What’s a light sensor?

Light sensors detect light and come in various types, such as photocells, CCDs, and photomultipliers. They are used in everyday objects like security systems, electronic devices, and barcode scanners. Infrared technology is increasingly used in motion-activated light sensors, saving energy costs. Light sensors are also used in scientific breakthroughs, such as in robotics and fiber […]

What’s an IR sensor?

Infrared sensors emit and/or detect infrared radiation to measure heat and detect movement. They use pyroelectric materials to generate an electrical voltage and trigger an alarm when detecting a sudden change in heat. Motion detectors with Fresnel lenses or parabolic mirrors are commonly used in residential and commercial security systems. Infrared sensors are desensitized to […]

What’s a tri sensor?

A triangulation sensor uses optics to locate an object by measuring the angles of light from an LED and photodiode. It can be used in robotics and automatic door safety mechanisms. Triangulation can also locate objects using known locations and trigonomic identities. A triangulation sensor is a device that typically uses optics to determine the […]

What’s a current sensor?

A current sensor measures the flow of electric current on a power line by measuring the voltage drop across a resistor. It can be used for performance monitoring, protection against overcurrents, and battery charging. There are two approaches to current sensing: low side detection and high side detection. A current sensor is an electrical device […]

What’s an optical sensor?

An optical sensor converts light into electronic signals and is part of a larger system with a measuring device, light source, and electrical trigger. It can measure variations in light intensity and work on single or distributed points. Optical sensors can be intrinsic or extrinsic and must remain sensitive to ownership. They are used in […]

What’s a force sensor resistor?

A force sensing resistor changes its resistance as pressure is applied, allowing for touch and weight sensing. It has applications in monitoring, automation, and robotics. It works similarly to the first resistive speed control units but is designed to handle less electrical energy. The resistor uses a polymer with conductive materials to decrease resistance as […]

Hall Effect Sensor: What is it?

Hall effect sensors measure magnetic fields using the Hall effect. They come in analog and digital forms and can be used for speed, direction, and position sensing. They are used in automobiles, computers, and portable devices and are cost-effective. A Hall effect sensor is a small device, mounted on a printed circuit board, capable of […]

What’s an Ultrasonic Sensor?

Ultrasonic sensors use high-frequency sound to measure distance, similar to sonar. They consist of a single transceiver unit that emits and detects sound, estimating distance through mathematical calculations. However, accuracy can be affected by temperature, humidity, and the type of object being sensed. Ultrasonic sensors have various applications in industrial machines and security installations, while […]

Wireless Sensor Network: What is it?

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) detect and respond to sound, vibration, and other environmental factors. They can be used for security, medical, and environmental research. WSNs can contain various types of sensors and can be implemented in various environments. Challenges include weather conditions, limited memory, and network overload. WSNs can be used to collect data on […]

Embedded Sensor: What is it?

Embedded sensors are compact devices that combine data collection and signal processing capabilities, making them ideal for turnkey solutions. They save space and time in design, are easily replaceable, and have many applications in industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical, and consumer technology. An embedded sensor is a small piece of equipment designed to collect […]

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