Sept 24th: What occurred?

Major nuclear powers signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, but it has yet to enter into force. The Supreme Court of the United States was created in 1789. Compu-Serve launched the first consumer internet service in 1979. The Warren Report was delivered in 1964. The Japanese began secretly gathering intelligence on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The […]

Sept. 25th: what occurred?

The US Bill of Rights was adopted in 1789. Switzerland closed its borders to Jews in 1942, but reopened them in 1944. Sandra Day O’Connor became the first female justice of the Supreme Court in 1981. The IRA disarmed in 2005. The first transatlantic telephone service was installed in 1956. The first Chicago Marathon took […]

Sept 29th: what occurred?

The Dow Jones fell by a record 777.68 points in 2008. The Hindenburg Line was broken during World War I. The Mayak Nuclear Power Plant accident exposed 500,000 people to radiation. The London Metropolitan Police was founded in 1829. Italy and the US signed an armistice agreement in 1943. The Space Shuttle Discovery launched in […]

Sept 21st: What occurred?

Roosevelt urged Congress to repeal Neutrality Acts to help European nations facing Nazi Germans. France abolished monarchy. B-29 bomber made its debut and was used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines. Investment banks became traditional holding companies. Women were admitted to the Military Institute of Virginia. Congress granted $15 […]

Sept 22nd: What occurred?

Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation (1862), Nathan Hale was executed as America’s first spy (1776), the US penny was redesigned (2008), the Peace Corps was established (1961), Iran-Iraq War began (1980), US Postmaster General’s Office was established (1789), National Geographic published its first issue (1888), the first American-made car was unveiled (1893), Dead Sea Scrolls […]

Sept 4th: What occurred?

Google founded by two PhD students from Stanford University in California. Kodak registered. Geronimo surrendered, ending the Indian Wars of the Southwest. The first NASCAR 500-mile race was held. Los Angeles, California is established. The first “American Idol” was voted stardom. The first transcontinental television broadcast in America took place, starring the president of the […]

Sept 27th: What occurred?

The Axis Powers formed in 1940 with Japan, Germany, and Italy signing the Tripartite Pact. Hungary joined later. The Nazis overpowered Poland in 1939, and Mexico gained independence in 1821. The first steam-powered passenger trains operated in 1825, and the Balinese tiger went extinct in 1937. The US Department of Education was approved in 1979. […]

Sept 28th: What occurred?

US military planes complete first round-the-world flights, breaking four world records (1924). The flu epidemic spreads globally, causing over 30 million deaths (1918). France emancipates its Jewish population, the first country to do so (1791). Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin (1928). SpaceX launches the world’s first private spacecraft (2008). Ted Williams hits over 0.400 in […]

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