What’s Serial Comm?

Serial communication sends data one bit at a time, with fewer cables needed than parallel communication. It’s used to connect printers, cameras, and peripherals. RS 232 connections can use up to 20 signals, but fewer signals allow for faster synchronization and reliability over long distances. Asynchronous and synchronous methods are used for synchronization, with eight […]

What’s a serial comm interface?

The serial communication interface (SCI) allows computer components to communicate with each other, either within a computer or with external devices. The RS-232 standard defines the details of the interface, including voltage levels and pin identification. UART was one of the first serial communication interfaces developed. Data is sent in sequences of five or eight […]

Types of serial protocols?

There are five general types of serial protocols, each dependent on the number of hosts and receivers. The most common is RS-232, while RS-422 and RS-485 support additional systems. Microwire and SPI are master and slave types of serial protocols developed by National Semiconductor and Motorola, respectively. Serial communication interfaces can vary in many different […]

What to consider when buying a serial cable?

When buying a serial cable, check for compatible ports and cable type, distance between devices, and cable structure. RS-232 is a common standard. Maximum working length affects data transfer. Choose the right cable for device type and consider budget. Shielded cables reduce electrical noise. A serial cable is typically used to connect two devices so […]

What’s Serial Presence Detection?

Serial presence detection (SPD) is a protocol used by computers to automatically configure the memory system during POST. Modern BIOS systems allow users to change settings and improve memory performance, including overclocking. Third-party programs can also alter default SPD information for performance changes. Serial presence detection (SPD) is a protocol used by computers to automatically […]

What’s Serial Line Internet Protocol?

SLIP is a protocol for sending IP datagrams over a serial link, using unique byte markers. It lacks security and error handling, and PPP is now more commonly used. CSLIP compresses TCP headers, but PPP is a more robust solution. Serial Line Internet Protocol, also known by the acronym SLIP, is a means of sending […]

What are Serial Ports? (29 characters)

Serial ports are a type of computer interface that transmit information one byte at a time. They were commonly used for external modems, mice, and keyboards. They differ from parallel ports in transfer rate and were often manually reconfigured. They are now mostly used for dial-up modems and have been replaced by USB and Firewire. […]

What’s SATA or Serial ATA?

Serial ATA (SATA) is a newer drive interface that replaces the traditional Parallel ATA (PATA). SATA has advantages such as thinner cables, longer cable length, lower power requirement, simplified installation, and higher transfer rates. SATA is a good choice for RAID and is intended to replace PATA. Third-party SATA controllers can be used for older […]

Serial vs. parallel ports: what’s the difference?

Serial and parallel ports were once common means of data transfer, but have been largely replaced by USB ports. Parallel ports are one-way and mainly used for printers, while serial ports allow bidirectional communication with peripherals. Both serial and parallel ports are examples of once cutting-edge computer technology; for much of the history of personal […]

What’s a serial crime?

Serial crimes are repetitive crimes committed by habitual offenders in the same way. Law enforcement databases help identify patterns and flag them as serial crimes. Serial crimes include murder, rape, arson, bombing, robbery, stalking, and juvenile crimes. Serial crimes stem from a passion and often involve abuse or loss in the offender’s past. The real […]

What’s Serial Sevens?

The Serial Sevens test, part of the mini-mental exam used to assess mental capacity, is being replaced by subtraction tests using smaller increments due to questions over its effectiveness. While only half of high school students passed the Serial Sevens test, at least 79% passed the three-in-a-row test. The mini-mental exam also includes memory and […]

What’s a serial killer?

Serial killers are individuals who kill at least three people with psychological gratification as their primary motive. The progression from ordinary individual to serial killer can begin early in life, and many show signs of childhood trauma and abuse. Psychologists classify serial killers into “organized” and “disorganized” types and based on the types of murders […]

What’s a serial monogamist?

A serial monogamist has many partners but only one at a time, with a superficial commitment. Fear of commitment and childhood influences play a role. True monogamy is rare, and changing the serial monogamist’s behavior is often futile. Psychological help may be necessary. A serial monogamist is someone who has many sexual partners in their […]

What’s serial fiction?

Serial fiction consists of books with similar themes, settings, or characters, often written by the same author. They can range from three to over 50 books per series and fall into categories for children, young adults, or genres such as fantasy, science fiction, or mystery. Some series maintain the same characters and settings, while others […]

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