What’s a red shirt?

Redshirting allows injured or academically struggling college athletes to sit out one year of competitive play while still retaining four years of eligibility. The term’s origin is unclear, but the concept has been around for decades. Redshirted players can still participate in team activities but cannot compete. The exception can only be used for one […]

What’s a hair shirt?

Hair shirts are rough garments worn next to the skin for discomfort and penance. Originally made of sackcloth or animal hair, they were used in religious orders and by repentant individuals. The tradition of mortification of the flesh ranges from withholding pleasures to serious harm and is an expression of faith. Religious ascetics use mortification […]

Best two-tone shirt: how to choose?

When choosing a two-tone shirt, consider personal preferences, pattern, complementary colors, and how they look against your skin. Vintage stores offer unique options. The best two-tone shirt for you will likely depend on your preferences for how you want the shirt to look and the colors it contains. Two-tone shirts can be purchased at many […]

Best Argyle shirt: how to choose?

Choosing the best argyle shirt depends on personal style, cut, color, fabric quality, and ease of cleaning. Argyle shirts come in various designs and can be versatile for different styles. The pattern draws attention to the shirt, so it’s important to choose a flattering fit. Choosing the best argyle shirt depends on personal style and […]

What’s a flannel shirt?

Flannel shirts were traditionally made from a combination of worsted yarn and carded wool, but today they are mostly made from cotton and wool or synthetic fibers. They are associated with casual wear, outdoor workwear, and sleepwear. In the 1980s and 1990s, grunge music made checked flannel shirts popular, and they became a symbol of […]

What’s a Guayabera shirt?

The guayabera shirt, also known as the Mexican wedding shirt, is a popular men’s summer shirt with two vertical rows of pleats and two to four pockets. It can be made from any lightweight fabric in any color and is popular in many countries, including Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Zimbabwe. Women’s versions are also available. […]

What’s a run shirt?

Running shirts are designed for comfort and come in different types for various weather conditions and personal preferences. They have features such as sweat-wicking, UV protection, and odor control. Winter shirts are warm and light, with synthetic or natural fibers. Style and fit options include long or short sleeves, compression, and zippered pockets. A running […]

What’s a padded shirt?

A stuffed shirt is someone who is inflexible, conservative, or has an unwarranted opinion of self-importance. The term may have originated from stuffing shirts with hay or newspaper for display purposes, implying a void or fake person. It is an insult implying unimportance or inflexibility. A stuffed shirt refers to someone who is inflexible, a […]

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