Best shooting ear protection: how to choose?

Regular gun use without proper hearing protection can cause severe hearing loss. The best shooting hearing protectors have an NRRS score of at least 36 and are comfortable to wear. Cost should also be considered. It doesn’t matter if it’s made for the hobo for work, many people shoot a gun on a regular basis. […]

Origins of wishing on a shooting star?

Wishing on shooting stars is a tradition related to mankind’s fascination with the sky. Shooting stars are actually meteors, and wishing on them is considered lucky and challenging. The tradition of wishing on stars predates the 19th century nursery rhyme “Star Light, Star Bright.” Most children are familiar with the superstition that a wish made […]

What’s “shooting from the hip”?

“Shoot from the hip” means making a quick decision without considering the consequences. Some believe it’s a rash reaction, while others trust their instincts. Past experiences can influence this approach. Those who take risks tend to use it more than those who are conservative. “Shoot from the hip” is an American saying that has to […]

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