What’s sick sinus?

Sick sinus syndrome causes irregular heartbeat, including periods of tachycardia and bradycardia, and can lead to heart failure. It is most common in people over 50 and can be caused by heart surgery or medication. Treatment includes pacemaker implantation and radiofrequency ablation. Symptoms include fainting, dizziness, confusion, angina, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Medications, including […]

Sick: work?

Employees may feel pressured to go to work even when sick, but it’s best to stay home if you have a contagious illness. Some employers require doctor’s notes, while others may have stay-at-home policies. In certain industries, such as restaurants and healthcare, it’s important to stay home to avoid spreading illness. Washing hands and politely […]

What’s sick building syndrome?

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a condition that affects workers in commercial buildings, causing a variety of symptoms and reducing productivity. It is caused by a combination of factors, including chemicals, molds, and pollutants. SBS is more common in large, airtight buildings built after the 1960s. Symptoms include nausea, headaches, and tiredness. Treatment is done […]

Do less sleepers get sick more?

Lack of sleep weakens the immune system, making people more susceptible to illness. Getting less than seven hours of sleep increases the likelihood of catching a cold. Oversleeping can also lead to health problems. Doctors recommend seven to eight hours of sleep for adults and nine hours for children and adolescents. Getting less sleep than […]

What’s a sick individual?

A sick-out is a labor action where employees call in sick en masse to protest. It can disrupt operations and draw attention to issues. Sick-outs can be used to lobby for better working conditions, circumvent laws, or indicate willingness to strike. Employers may view it as a manipulative tactic and refuse to consider requests. It […]

What’s sick leave?

Sickness absenteeism is affected by the health of the workforce, occupation-specific factors, workplace policies, cultural norms, and personal attitudes. Physical characteristics, medical standards, individual worker characteristics, job satisfaction, and management also impact absenteeism rates. Employers can promote healthy living practices to reduce absenteeism rates. Sick absenteeism occurs when employees miss work for reasons stemming from […]

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