What’s Six Sigma cert?

Six Sigma certification is awarded to individuals or corporations trained in the quality improvement program developed by Motorola. Certification levels include green belt, black belt, master black belt, and champion. It is more commonly found in large corporations due to the dedicated roles required for implementation. Six Sigma certification is the endorsement issued to individuals […]

What’s Six Sigma training?

Six Sigma is a data-driven approach to decision-making that eliminates waste and defects and improves customer service. It offers training at different levels, from Executive Leader to Green and Yellow Belts, and can be customized to an organization’s needs. Training can be completed through online or textbook-based courses. Six Sigma training is a process in […]

What’s Sigma Notation?

Sigma notation is a concise way to write mathematical equations, using the summation operator (∑), an index number (i), and a set of terms to be added (ai). It can be used in various situations, from calculating bank account balances to solving complex problems in science and programming. Understanding the associative, distributive, and commutative properties […]

TQM & Six Sigma: What’s the link?

Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma are quality improvement programs that reduce defect rates in manufacturing processes. TQM allocates resources to independent quality management departments, while Six Sigma sets goals for results within every department to achieve business goals and growth guided by customer satisfaction ratings. They share some methodologies but differ in their […]

What are sigma bonds in chemistry?

Sigma bonds are covalent bonds with electron density concentrated along the internuclear axis. They occur when atomic orbitals overlap symmetrically around the axis. Pi bonds are weaker and occur when orbitals overlap away from the axis. Double and triple bonds have one sigma bond and one or two pi bonds respectively. Formaldehyde has three sigma […]

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