What’s Q Signaling?

QSIG is a protocol used for signaling on ISDN lines to connect to PBXs. It allows equipment from different vendors to work together and supports essential network functions. Q signaling uses CCS protocol, which creates a digital link based on packet switching, allowing for more efficient traffic handling. QSIG is commonly used for IP voiceover, […]

What’s binocular signaling?

Binocular beacons apply to animals with binocular vision, allowing depth perception. Binocular disparity, convergence, and accommodation are cues used by the human visual system to perceive shape, size, and distance of objects. Binocular beacons is a term usually applied to humans but could justifiably apply to any animal with binocular vision, i.e. any animal whose […]

What is Signaling in Economics?

Signaling in economics involves transferring information between parties for mutual satisfaction. The party conveying information is the agent, and the receiver is the principal. Ethical reporting requires truthful information. Reporting is part of contract theory, aiming to balance rewards and skills for all parties. The concept of signaling in the field of economics has to […]

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