What’s a Signing Statement?

US presidents can include signing statements when signing bills into law, which can be used to interpret the law to their advantage. This tactic was rarely used before the late 1980s, but since then, over 200 have been drafted by Presidents Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush. The signing statement can be used to argue against […]

What’s a Signing Ceremony?

Signing ceremonies are formal occasions where significant documents are signed, often by presidents or governors. They are used to generate publicity and create a historical record. Controversy can arise when signing statements are used to undermine the intent of the law. Other leaders also hold signing ceremonies, which can complicate the process. Signing ceremonies are […]

What’s Code Signing?

Code signing is a security measure used to ensure that software has not been tampered with. The developer signs the program with a cryptographic hash and private key, and the user verifies the signature using a public key. However, code signing can be bypassed by sophisticated hackers, and downloading programs from untrusted sources can still […]

“Tips for signing a power of attorney?”

A power of attorney is a legal document that authorizes someone to act on behalf of another, commonly used for medical and financial needs. It’s important to appoint someone trustworthy and understand the implications and restrictions of the document. The principal must be sane when signing and should discuss with the chosen agent beforehand. A […]

What’s a Signing Bonus?

A signing bonus is a cash incentive offered by companies to attract top candidates for middle management and executive positions. The bonus is usually over $10,000 USD, but terms vary widely and may require repayment if the employee leaves the company. Prospective employees should carefully consider the terms before accepting the job. A signing bonus […]

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