What’s a sine wave plate?

A sine wave plate is used to measure angles of industrial objects, such as automobile parts. It consists of two parallel steel plates supported by metal bars and cylinders. Gauge blocks are stacked to equal a constant, which is calculated using a sine plate graph and tape measure. There are two types: magnetic and compound […]

What’s the meaning of “Conditio sine qua non”?

The legal concept of “conditio sine qua non” originates from ancient Rome and is used in tort law to refer to an essential condition for an event to occur. It is the basis for the “but for” rule, which determines liability in injury cases. This rule is important in complex cases with multiple potential defendants […]

What’s a sine wave gen?

A sine wave generator produces oscillating frequencies in a sine wave pattern, useful for measuring sound or electrical frequency. Sine waves are smooth and even, and can be used to calibrate measuring equipment and generate sound effects. Function generators can produce other waveforms, such as square waves, which are used in digital electronics. A sine […]

What’s the meaning of “Nulla Poena Sine Lege”?

Nulla poena sine lege is a legal concept that prohibits punishment for actions not governed by law. It works with the idea of nothing crimen sine lege and nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali to protect people from being convicted and punished when there are no laws against their actions. It can prevent legal systems […]

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