What’s Internet Slang?

Internet slang includes expressions related to computers and networks, including emoticons and acronyms. It also includes terms for different types of internet users, such as internauts and cybernauts. Offensive words and jargon specific to certain online communities also exist. As technology evolves, internet slang will continue to change. Internet slang includes expressions related to network […]

1920s slang examples?

The 1920s were a colorful decade with a lot of slang, especially in the US. Slang related to alcohol, fun, changing morals, and criminal activity. Many phrases are still used today and reflect the era’s attitudes towards sexuality, jazz, and women’s liberation. The 1920s were a colorful decade in both Europe and America, sandwiched between […]

What’s slang?

Slang is informal language that is unique and often humorous, vulgar, or shocking. It begins as group-specific argot and can spread across regions or classes. Learning to use slang correctly can be difficult but helpful in adapting to native speakers. Slang is casual spoken language that differs from dialectical speech and slang as well as […]

What’s “Texas” mean in Norwegian slang?

Norwegians have used “Texas” as slang for “wild” or “crazy” for decades, possibly due to the Wild West stereotype. The phrase is common in Norway, but may not be politically correct in Texas. Although it has only come to American media attention in recent years, Norwegians have used the word “Texas” as a slang meaning […]

Aussie slang: what are the basics?

Australian slang is a colorful and descriptive set of terms used by natives, including greetings like “G’day” and “Hooroo,” and terms for men and women like “bloke” and “Sheila.” Ordering coffee can be confusing, but there are unique drinks like the flat white. Popular slang terms describe moods or states of mind, like “agro” for […]

What’s the meaning of some English acronyms & chat slang?

Ever wonder what some acronym means? Here’s a list in alphabetical order of more than 1500 acronyms and SMS or chat abbreviations, including the most common ones and others you probably didn’t know yet. Numbers & Symbols A B C D E F G H I  J K L M N O P Q R  S T U V W X Y Z SMS & CHAT ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ? I don’t understand what you mean. ? I […]

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