What’s a sleeping wall?

Bed walls can be stringer walls used to support a structure or retaining walls made of sleepers. Transom walls are short walls supporting structures without basements. Concrete sleeper walls are made of preformed concrete slabs and posts. These walls can be decorative and eliminate the need for mortar. A bed wall can be one of […]

What’s Sleeping Sickness?

Sleeping sickness is caused by parasites in infected tsetse flies that can be passed to humans through bites or from an infected mother. Symptoms include insomnia, swollen lymph nodes, sweating, and coma. Two types of parasites cause the disease, and treatments depend on the stage of infection. Sleeping sickness, also called African trypanosomiasis, is a […]

Sleeping after a concussion: guidelines?

After a concussion, it is important to rest and avoid activities that could cause another blow to the head. A caregiver should wake the patient every few hours to check for signs that the concussion is getting worse. Symptoms of neurological problems may take a few days to develop, so it’s important to remain alert. […]

Types of sleeping bags?

Sleeping bags come in rectangular, cocoon, and tapered shapes, with different materials and fillings. Streamlined designs are preferred by experienced campers. Children’s sleeping bags are also available. Sleeping bags come in three basic shapes: rectangular, “mummy” or cocoon-style, and tapered. The rectangular shape is self-explanatory and offers a spacious design. It comes in a single […]

Sleeping with nausea? Tips?

Difficulty sleeping with nausea can be alleviated with relaxation techniques, avoiding stimulating activities before bed, and herbal remedies like chamomile tea or ginger root capsules. It’s important to identify the cause of chronic nausea and avoid alcohol. There are several circumstances that could make it difficult to sleep with nausea. If you feel nauseous at […]

What’s the meaning of “Sleeping with the enemy”?

The phrase “sleeping with the enemy” refers to non-adversarial relationships between normally hostile parties, such as business deals, joint projects, and political maneuvering. It can involve cooperation for a common goal or gaining an advantage. Examples include working with someone you don’t like to achieve an important goal, or working with a business rival while […]

What’s the meaning of “Let sleeping dogs lie”?

The idiom “let sleeping dogs lie” means to avoid stirring up old conflicts or unresolved issues. It is better to agree to disagree and move on. The origin is attributed to Chaucer and refers to the danger of waking a sleeping dog. The idiom let sleeping dogs lie means not to stir up old conflicts […]

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