What’s sludge buildup?

The activated sludge process involves introducing air and microorganisms to wastewater to encourage growth and multiplication, but sludge buildup can occur due to overgrowth of certain bacteria. Three types of sludge buildup can affect the settling process: bulking caused by filamentous bacteria, polysaccharide buildup, and zoogleal bulking. Various methods are used to treat or prevent […]

What’s sludge logging?

Mud logging involves drilling a hole and taking a sample for analysis, useful in the petroleum and geothermal industries. It can reveal information about the presence of oil or geothermal areas, and is environmentally friendly. Geothermal water can be tapped for radiant heating, providing cost savings and reducing the need for non-renewable energy sources. Mud […]

What’s activated sludge?

Activated sludge is a widely used wastewater treatment process that removes solid organic material. The process involves aerating wastewater in tanks to facilitate the growth of microorganisms that break down the material. The resulting sludge can be used for fertilizing and other purposes. However, the process can be smelly and wastewater can have unusual odors. […]

Sewage sludge: what is it?

Wastewater treatment sludge is a mixture of water and solid waste created during the treatment process. Primary and secondary stages produce different types of sludge, which are treated through anaerobic or aerobic digestion, composting, or dewatering before being sent to a landfill. Biosolids can sometimes be used as fertilizer or to create biogas. Safe disposal […]

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