What’s the American Philatelic Society?

The American Philatelic Society (APS) promotes stamp collecting and offers services such as education, mentorship, and access to an online stamp shop. Members receive the monthly journal and discounts on stamp insurance. The APS sponsors stamp shows and has programs to promote children’s interest in stamp collecting. Membership is available on an annual or lifetime […]

Neurology Society: What is it?

Neurology societies are academic bodies that promote advances in neuroscience and technological treatments for neurological conditions. They include the American Academy of Neurology, Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation, and European Neurological Society. Neuroscientists and researchers help keep these societies functioning and publish academic journals on the latest advances in neuroscience. A neurology society is an academic […]

What’s the AZ Historical Society?

The Arizona Historical Society collects and preserves all elements of Arizona’s history, operating four major museums, various collections of records, and publishing a quarterly journal. They also help smaller museums and run educational and community programs. Membership fees vary and include perks like private tours and free passes to museums. The society maintains a comprehensive […]

Best Friends Animal Society: What is it?

Best Friends Animal Society is a US animal welfare organization, promoting legislation and providing shelter for 2,000 animals. They were founded in 1986 and have helped reduce euthanasia rates. They offer veterinary services, outreach, and shelter programs, and coordinate disaster responses. They house a variety of animals and aim to rehabilitate them for adoption. Visitors […]

What’s the Anti-Slavery Society?

The American Anti-Slavery Society was founded in 1833 to outlaw slavery in the US. It grew to over 1300 chapters and a quarter of a million members, but faced controversy and violence. A schism occurred in 1839, with more moderate members forming the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. The abolitionist movement continued to grow, leading […]

What’s the Great Society?

Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society reforms aimed to address economic and racial injustice in mid-1960s America, building on his predecessor’s programs. Johnson’s legislative successes included health care, urban housing, education, and environmental reforms. Although overshadowed by the Vietnam War, many of the programs still exist today. The Great Society was the name US President Lyndon […]

What’s IEEE Computer Society?

The IEEE Computer Society is a part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and offers courses, lectures, and publications to advance computer education and careers. It provides career information and resources, training and certification programs, and networking opportunities for technology professionals. The IEEE also has other technology-based societies and offers membership benefits […]

What’s the Internet Society?

The Internet Society is a non-profit organization that guides the development of the Internet through education, standards, and policy. It promotes an open and non-discriminatory environment and encourages self-regulation and cooperation. The organization includes the Internet Engineering Task Force and offers membership to individuals and organizations. Members are encouraged to support the development of an […]

Reality TV & society: what’s the link?

Reality TV reflects society’s desire for relatable people and social insights. Shows follow ordinary people, talent quests, and competitions. Viewers enjoy watching people in difficult positions and learn from their mistakes. Some argue that reality TV encourages a belief in fame and money over important things, reflecting the superficiality of modern society. The precise nature […]

What’s the Accident Actuarial Society?

The Casualty Actuarial Society is a professional association of non-life actuaries who study property risk and liability. It was founded in the early 20th century by Dr. IM Rubinow and has grown to over 5,000 members worldwide. The society’s primary goal is to educate and exchange ideas among members and the public about actuarial science. […]

What’s the Watch Tower Society?

The Watchtower Society is a group of corporations owned by the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. They handle publishing, administrative, and other needs. The society’s employees are volunteers who live and work at the headquarters or branch offices. Jehovah’s Witnesses meet three times a week in simple places of worship and have annual assemblies where […]

What’s a High IQ Society?

High IQ societies are membership-based groups for individuals who scored in the top percentile range on an IQ test. They hold local events, and membership is based solely on IQ score. Different societies have different score requirements, and tests include logic, reasoning, and math. Scores from approved tests are accepted, and IQ is believed to […]

What’s civic society?

Civil society is a group of voluntary organizations and institutions with a civic or social slant that work together to bring about civic and social change. They are often non-profit and not tied to established government. Examples include NGOs, charities, and cooperatives. Democracy is often linked to these societies. Many believe that globalization will harm […]

Mil. Soc. Definition: Study of Military & Society.

Military sociology studies the military as a social group and organization, including interactions with other organizations and society. Topics include social class, race, gender, sexuality, religion, family, and interactions with society. It helps draw conclusions about both the military and society. Military sociology involves the study of a nation’s military as a social group of […]

What’s the Red Hat Society?

The Red Hat Society is an international “disorganization” of middle-aged women who wear red hats and purple dresses. It was founded in 2000 by Sue Ellen Cooper and now has 256,000 members worldwide. Members under 50 wear pink hats and lavender dresses until their 50th birthday. The society offers entertainment and companionship without any cause […]

What’s a building society?

Building societies are member-owned financial institutions that offer banking and financial services, with a focus on mortgages and savings accounts. They have no shareholders, allowing profits to be retained for members, and are regulated by a governing board. They offer better chances of obtaining a mortgage than banks and finance companies. Building societies are financial […]

What’s the Theosophical Society?

The Theosophical Society was founded in 1875 to investigate mediumistic phenomena. It evolved to include Eastern and Western thought and promote universal brotherhood through studying sacred texts and oral traditions. The organization split into different branches with varying beliefs, including the concept of root races and Aryan supremacy. Many organizations trace their origins to the […]

Rhetoric’s role in society?

Rhetoric is the art of persuasive communication, debated since ancient Greece. Aristotle developed the five canons of rhetoric, and its role has changed with mass media. Modern theorists define rhetoric as any form of communication, shaping a person’s notion of reality and the foundation of society. Definitions of the word rhetoric abound, but it is […]

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