What’s sole custody?

Sole custody grants one parent full legal custody of a child, while joint custody allows both parents to retain parental rights. The noncustodial parent may or may not have visitation rights, depending on the court’s decision. Sole custody is not always due to danger, and the noncustodial parent may still provide financial support. In cases […]

Best accounting tips for sole proprietors?

Tips for sole proprietorship accounting include using accounting software, avoiding procrastination, seeking professional help, and separating business and personal records. Keeping up with accounting tasks is important to avoid cash flow issues and errors. Business software can simplify accounting tasks, and professional accountants can help configure accounting systems and prepare for tax season. It is […]

Best insurance for sole proprietorship?

Choosing the best sole proprietorship insurance involves shopping around for rates that protect the business owner and any family from health problems or early death. The policy should address the continued operations of the business and protect personal and corporate assets. Life insurance should also be considered. The best policy can be found online, and […]

Sole proprietorship benefits?

Sole proprietorship offers entrepreneurs the right to run their business as they see fit without consulting partners or shareholders. It is cheap to install, allows for quick decision-making, and has lower taxes. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, and having partners can offer benefits that sole proprietorship cannot. The benefits of sole proprietorship […]

Sole proprietorship cons: what are they?

Sole proprietorships have disadvantages compared to other business structures, including unlimited personal liability for the owner, vague tax status, and difficulty obtaining financing. They are easy to establish but vulnerable to legal conflicts and government scrutiny. A sole proprietorship is one of the simplest types of legally permitted business structures in the United States, but […]

Best insurance for sole proprietorship?

Choosing the best sole proprietorship insurance involves finding coverage that protects personal and business assets, addresses ongoing operations, and offers tax benefits. It is important to select insurance specific to the type of business and consider life insurance. Searching online can help find the best rates and potential tax deductions. When it comes to obtaining […]

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