What’s the prodigal son?

The parable of the prodigal son, found in the Book of Luke, emphasizes the Lord’s forgiveness for those who repent. The story follows a son who recklessly spends his inheritance and returns home to ask for forgiveness. The father welcomes him with open arms, causing the older brother to question the fairness of the situation. […]

Did Stalin hate his son?

Stalin hated his son Yakov and refused to exchange him for surrender during WWII. Yakov committed suicide in a German concentration camp. Stalin’s relationship with his firstborn was contentious, leading to Yakov’s suicide attempt, which Stalin mocked. Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin really hated his son Yakov. Indeed, Stalin refused to surrender to German soldiers in […]

“Meaning of ‘like father, like son’?”

The idiom “like father, like son” refers to physical and behavioral similarities between fathers and children. It can be complementary or offensive and is often true due to genetics, parenting styles, and environmental conditions. The idiom can be used in various situations to compare similarities, and similar idioms exist for mothers and daughters. The term […]

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