Prevent cold sore spread.

To prevent the spread of cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus, avoid skin-to-skin contact, practice good hygiene habits, and take medication. This includes not touching the blister, washing hands, and not sharing personal items. Children with cold sores should be kept out of school and toys should be sanitized. Medications can help reduce […]

Causes of sore throat & difficulty swallowing?

A sore throat and difficulty swallowing can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergies, diseases, cancers, or environmental problems. Young people are more prone to strep throat. Home remedies can often treat a sore throat, but serious symptoms require medical attention. A person who has a sore throat and difficulty swallowing most often has a virus, […]

Causes of sore throat & swollen glands?

Sore throats and swollen glands can be caused by airborne viruses, bacterial infections, allergies, tonsillitis, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. Treatment depends on the cause, and a sore throat lasting more than two weeks or accompanied by enlarged glands should be checked by a doctor. A number of different things can cause a sore throat […]

Causes of sore throat & mucus?

Sore throat and mucus in the throat are often caused by excess mucus and can be caused by a variety of factors, including viruses, bacterial infections like strep throat, and allergies. Antibiotics are prescribed for strep infections, while the body’s immune system usually deals with viruses. Sore throat and mucus in the throat generally go […]

Causes of sore throats and rashes?

Streptococcus is a bacterial infection that causes scarlet fever and spreads through contact. It is common in children aged 5-15 and can cause sore throat, rash, and fever. A doctor can diagnose it with a throat culture and prescribe antibiotics. Untreated strep can lead to dangerous infections. Streptococcus and the occasionally accompanying rash, called scarlet […]

Flu or sore throat? How to tell?

Strep throat is caused by bacteria, while the flu is caused by a virus. Symptoms of the flu include fever, chills, body aches, coughing, and extreme tiredness. A doctor’s exam can differentiate between the two, with strep throat often showing white patches in the back of the throat. Antibiotics can treat strep throat, while bed […]

Causes of sore eyelids?

Sore eyelids, or blepharitis, can be caused by infections, allergies, mites, skin conditions, and malfunctioning oil-producing glands. Staph blepharitis is a serious infection that requires antibiotics. Allergies to airborne irritants or medications can also cause eyelid irritation. Some people may have an adverse reaction to mites that live around their eyelashes. Skin conditions like seborrheic […]

Causes of earache and sore throat?

Earaches and sore throats are often caused by viral infections like the flu and common cold, as well as fluid drainage and secondary infections. Bacterial infections and allergies can also contribute. Most cases resolve on their own, but antibiotics and antihistamines can help. Children are more at risk due to poor hygiene and proximity to […]

Causes of pus-filled sore?

A sore with pus is caused by bacterial skin infections and can cause pain, inflammation, redness, and pus formation. It should only be treated by a healthcare professional to avoid complications. Pus can vary in color and consistency and is often treated with antibiotics and pain relievers. Tooth abscesses require oral antibiotics and possibly oral […]

Runny nose linked to sore throat?

A runny nose and sore throat are common symptoms of colds, flu, and hay fever caused by excess mucus secretion. Environmental factors, dehydration, and infections can cause these symptoms, which can be alleviated with simple steps or require medical attention. A runny nose and sore throat are common symptoms of colds, flu, and hay fever. […]

Sore throat vs. laryngitis: what’s the difference?

Sore throat and laryngitis are common conditions caused by various factors, including colds, flu, allergies, and pollution. Laryngitis causes hoarseness and can be acute or chronic, while sore throat can be a symptom of laryngitis or other serious conditions. It’s best to see a doctor if either condition persists for more than a few days. […]

Causes of sore tongue with bumps?

A sore tongue with bumps can be caused by biting, burning, or rubbing the tongue, but it can also be a symptom of medical conditions such as leukoplakia, candidiasis, and oral lichen planus. Proper oral hygiene and replenishing “good bacteria” can help prevent these conditions. Although the tongue heals faster than other parts of the […]

Causes of stiff neck and sore throat?

Stiff neck and sore throat can be caused by viral or bacterial infections, including strep, mononucleosis, and mumps. Antibiotics are needed to treat strep, and it’s important to seek medical attention within 10 days to prevent complications. Hand washing can help prevent transmission, but these illnesses are highly contagious. While a stiff neck and sore […]

Allergies & sore throats: any link?

Allergies can cause sore throats, often due to environmental irritants like pollen or mold, which can lead to nasal congestion and post-nasal drip. Food allergies can also cause sore throats due to the body’s allergic reaction. Mouth breathing and excess mucus can also contribute to sore throats. Sore throat is a common symptom of allergies. […]

Acid reflux and sore throat: linked?

Acid reflux can cause a sore throat due to the corrosive nature of stomach acid. Treatment options include medication, diet and lifestyle changes, drinking water, herbal tea with honey, gargling salt water, and sucking on cold drinks, popsicles, hard candy, or throat lozenges. Many people with acid reflux also experience a sore throat. This is […]

Causes of sore throat?

Recurring sore throat caused by strep infections can be due to environmental bacteria, incomplete antibiotic treatment, or a weak immune system. Symptoms include red throat with white dots, rashes, and skin infections. Prevention includes good hygiene and avoiding crowded areas. Streptococcus is a term used to describe strep infections caused by bacteria in the mucous […]

What’s a pressure sore?

Pressure ulcers, also known as bed sores, are caused by excessive pressure on the skin and are common in those who are bedridden or wheelchair-bound. Treatment involves cleaning, dressing, and repositioning the body. Prevention includes regular body position changes, softer surfaces, and a nutritious diet. A pressure ulcer is a skin lesion that appears due […]

Causes of swollen tongue & sore throat?

Swollen tongue and sore throat can indicate allergic reactions, mononucleosis, tongue cancer, or mouth infections. Allergic reactions can cause breathing problems, while mono causes extreme tiredness. Tongue cancer symptoms include ear pain, white or red spots, and numbness. A doctor should diagnose these conditions. A swollen tongue and sore throat can be symptoms of a […]

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