Does all of China speak Mandarin?

Despite being the official language of China, Mandarin is not universally spoken, with around 30% of the population not understanding it. The government has promoted it as a unifying force, but many regions and ethnic groups still support their native languages. However, progress has been made, with 70% of the population speaking Mandarin in 2013, […]

How many US kids speak a second language at home?

In 2010, 22% of US children spoke a language other than English at home, with Spanish and Chinese being the most common. Bilingualism is believed to improve cognitive functioning and prevent dementia. California had the highest percentage of bilingual/multilingual households, while West Virginia had the lowest. The US Census Bureau found 134 American tribal languages […]

Can anyone speak “Game of Thrones” fictional languages?

Game of Thrones, a popular TV show broadcast in 170 countries, has led to the creation of fictional languages like Dothraki and High Valyrian. A High Valyrian course is now available on Duolingo, offering over 2,000 vocabulary words and grammar lessons. The show explores themes of power, family loyalty, violence, social hierarchy, corruption, love, sexuality, […]

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