What’s a Special Day Class?

A Special Day is an educational program for children with severe mental, emotional, and learning disabilities. It focuses on social skills, self-control, and academic curriculum tailored to individual needs. The small class size is staffed by special education trained teachers and assistants. The goal is to help children integrate successfully into their community. A Special […]

How to be a special effects makeup artist?

A degree or certification in cosmetology or stage makeup can be beneficial, but not required, for becoming a special effects makeup artist. Networking and functional knowledge are important, as well as getting an internship to build a portfolio and make contacts in the industry. You may not need a four-year degree to become a special […]

Types of Special Ed Software?

Special education software helps children with disabilities improve their skills and manage their education data. Programs include math, language arts, keyboard, and functional skills software. Teachers can use the software to track progress and create individual education plans. Special education software can teach children skills or help manage their education data in schools with special […]

What’s a Sat. night special?

Saturday night specials are cheap, small-caliber handguns that can be easily concealed. They are often made of cheap materials and have low reliability. The term was first used in 1968 and is intended to be disparaging. Some people argue that they pose a risk to law enforcement and should be banned, while others believe they […]

What’s a special interest group?

Special interest groups are formed by people with shared beliefs or goals, and seek to make changes that benefit their constituency. They often use money and political influence to achieve their goals, and can range from small local groups to large national organizations. Political donations and endorsements are common methods of influence. A special interest […]

What’s a special effects artist’s job?

Special effects artists create realistic and imaginative scenes for theater, television, film, and the internet using makeup, computer graphics, camera tricks, and mechanics. They can specialize in prosthetics, blood and gore makeup, fantasy makeup, and airbrushing. They often work as part of a team and use software to turn fantasy into reality on screen. Special […]

Special concerns for big financial institutions?

Large financial institutions face risks of fraud, privacy violations, and illiquidity. Excessive regulation is also a concern, as it may harm capital markets and corporate profits. To protect against these risks, institutions engage in dialogue with regulators, implement freeze periods for illiquid assets, and invest in data protection and risk management systems. Concerns also exist […]

How to become a special ed teacher?

Becoming a special education teacher requires a bachelor’s degree, specialized courses, student teaching, a credential in special education, passing teacher competency exams, and certification. Different states have different requirements, but the process is similar to becoming any other type of teacher. It takes a lot of patience, caring, and understanding to be a good special […]

Need special insurance for historic homes?

Historic homes are popular in the US, but homeowners insurance can be a challenge due to their unique characteristics and potential undervaluation. It is important for homeowners to evaluate coverage and consider specialized insurance companies. Buyers should consult with real estate and insurance agents, as well as the historic district board for information. Historic homes, […]

What’s a special buy?

The Bank of Canada uses special purchase and resell agreements with primary dealers to increase liquidity and reduce overnight interest rates. This involves buying government bonds and selling them back at a set price the next day. The Bank assesses the overnight funds trading rate each morning and may be involved in trading government bonds […]

What’s a special prosecutor?

A special prosecutor is a private lawyer appointed to investigate and prosecute government officials suspected of illegal activity, to avoid bias from government-employed prosecutors. Many countries use special prosecutors for this reason. Famous examples include Patrick Fitzgerald in the Scooter Libby case and Kenneth Starr in the Clinton scandals. A special prosecutor is a private […]

What’s a special agent?

Special agents work for government agencies in an investigative capacity. They investigate suspected violations and are involved in criminal investigations, drug taxation, financial crime investigations, anti-terrorism units, and more. Requirements and salaries vary by agency. A special agent is someone who works for a government agency and an investigative capacity. The term “special agent” is […]

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