Diff. marketing: targeting specific groups.

Differentiated marketing involves targeting multiple niche markets with specific products. It can be costly for smaller companies, but profitable if done correctly. Companies must define each market, choose the right product, and develop a market strategy for each niche. However, it can also lead to financial trouble if not executed properly. Differentiated marketing is a […]

What’s specific humidity?

Specific humidity measures the amount of water vapor in a given mass of air. It remains constant regardless of pressure or temperature and is useful in predicting weather changes. Absolute humidity measures the mass of water to the total volume of air and changes with air pressure. Weather forecasters use specific humidity to predict precipitation. […]

What’s specific heat?

Specific heat measures the amount of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. It is expressed in joules and is important in science, engineering, and climate. Heat energy and temperature are different concepts. Specific heat and heat capacity are often confused, but the former is independent of the […]

What’s specific volume?

Specific volume is the amount of volume occupied by a certain mass of gas, which varies with pressure and temperature. It is reciprocal to density and expressed as v = Volume/Mass. Units include cubic meters per kilogram and cubic inches or foot-pounds. Specific volume is a term, usually applied to gases, which indicates the amount […]

What is specific performance in law?

Specific performance is an equitable remedy in contract law disputes that requires the person attempting to breach a contract to fulfill their obligations. It is used when monetary damages are not enough to compensate for the violation, and is available in the US and other common law countries. Courts enforce contracts by awarding monetary damages, […]

What’s specific jurisdiction?

Specific jurisdiction allows a court to hear a case if the defendant has had minimal contacts in the area, even if they don’t reside there. This can apply to businesses, individuals, and property owners, but only if the case relates to the minimal contacts. Specific jurisdiction refers to the power a particular court may have […]

What’s specific intent?

Specific intent is a state of mind required for certain convictions, where the person intends to take a specific action and is aware of the consequences. Crimes that require specific intent include robbery and theft. The defendant must have committed actions that would reasonably lead to the intended purpose. The prosecution must prove both the […]

What’s specific gravity?

Specific gravity is the ratio of a substance’s density to the density of water. It can determine purity and concentration, and is often measured at 39°F/4°C. Archimedes discovered it by comparing the density of gold to that of water. Other substances can be used as a reference point. Specific gravity usually refers to the density […]

What’s specific energy?

Specific energy measures the amount of energy per unit of mass, usually expressed in joules, calories, or BTUs. It is useful for researchers and engineers in determining burn times and nutrient compositions. The concentration of energy per unit mass is measured in joules per gram, kilojoules per kilogram, or joules per kilogram. The calorie and […]

What’s specific immunity?

Specific immunity is the body’s learned immune response to foreign pathogens. Lymphocytes create antibodies and memory cells that remember encounters with specific pathogens, allowing the immune system to respond more quickly and accurately to prevent infection. Specific immunity can be acquired naturally or artificially through vaccination. Specific immunity is the body’s learned immune response to […]

What’s specific gravity?

Specific gravity is the weight of a substance relative to its volume, often used in fluid and soil mechanics. It can change with temperature and pressure. Gamma represents specific gravity in equations, calculated using density and acceleration due to gravity. Units of density are snails/ft^3 or kg/m^3. Specific gravity of water is 9.810 N/m^3 or […]

What’s specific conductance?

Specific conductance measures water’s ability to conduct electricity based on dissolved solid compounds. It can indicate water quality and pollution levels. Conductance is measured in Siemens, with pure water having a measurement of 1 μs/cm and seawater having a reading of approximately 50,000 μs/cm. High conductance can be natural or due to human pollution. Regulations […]

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