What’s an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer?

An isotope ratio mass spectrometer measures the ratios of different isotopes of elements, providing information about a sample’s age and origin. Samples are prepared and introduced into the instrument, where they are converted into a gas and ionized before being separated based on their masses. The resulting proportions of isotopes can be calculated and used […]

What’s an accelerator mass spectrometer?

Accelerator mass spectrometers use magnetism and high voltage to measure radioactive elements. They are used in archaeology to date artifacts and in medical diagnostic testing. The device has a magnetic separator and a tandem accelerator that accelerates particles and directs them to a detector. An accelerator mass spectrometer is a laboratory device that uses a […]

What’s an electrospray mass spectrometer?

Electrospray mass spectrometry (EMS) is used to study large molecules without fragmentation. A pure macromolecular sample is dissolved in a solvent system, injected into a high voltage electric field, and studied. EMS coupled with time-of-flight analysis and collision cooling reduces fragmentation. Isotopes can affect EMS determinations, making monoisotopic samples preferable. A mass spectrometer (MS) is […]

Gas mass spectrometer: what is it?

A gas mass spectrometer detects the concentration of elements in known and unknown samples by sensing the deflection of charged ions in a magnetic field. Inorganic analysis produces a characteristic spectrum, while organic analysis is more complex. In a gas chromatography mass spectrometer, compounds are separated by gas chromatography before being sent to the gas […]

Uses of ionization mass spectrometer?

Ionization mass spectrometers are used in various fields to identify the chemical composition of a substance. They work by charging particles in a sample and sorting them by mass to create a spectrum. They are used in geology, meteorology, space exploration, medical research, and industrial applications. They can identify chemicals in the human body, study […]

What’s a Tandem Mass Spectrometer?

A tandem mass spectrometer is used to measure the mass of molecules and identify compounds in a sample. It can fragment molecules and ions to identify proteins and other organic substances. The detector tracks ion activity and creates a graph to show the molecular mass and amount of each substance in the sample. Different experiments […]

What’s a mass spectrometer?

The mass spectrometer determines chemical composition by ionizing and accelerating a sample through a chamber with a magnet that bends ions towards a detector. Different types of ionization are used, and the technique can detect isotopes and provide insight into chemical ratios. A mass spectrometer is a device that can be used to determine the […]

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