What’s Spiritual Ascension?

Spiritual ascension is the process of becoming more evolved and aware of one’s surroundings, leading to a focus on spiritual aspects of life. It can be triggered by life-changing events or the pursuit of knowledge. Those who experience it believe in a coexistence with the earth and an appreciation of nature, leading to reduced stress […]

What’s spiritual life?

Living a spiritual life involves being aware of spiritual principles and seeing the world as interconnected, without necessarily following a specific religion. Mindful living in the present moment can heighten awareness and sensitivity to the world. The principles of spiritual life are found in many religions and can be incorporated into daily life without dogma. […]

What’s Spiritual Midwifery?

Spiritual midwifery is a holistic approach to midwifery that focuses on the spiritual and physical well-being of the mother during labor and delivery. It was developed by Ina May Gaskin and aims to keep childbirth as natural as possible while ensuring the safety of mother and baby. The approach encourages a positive birthing experience that […]

What’s a Spiritual Lab?

A spiritual workshop is an event for personal growth, learning about religion, and developing spirituality. It can last from a few hours to months, with guided instruction and independent practice. Workshops can be focused on a particular religion, include social aspects, and have fees that may include room and board. A spiritual workshop is an […]

What’s Spiritual Abuse?

Spiritual abuse is the manipulation of a person by someone in a position of trust in a religious or spiritual tradition, often for the benefit of the abuser or group at the expense of the victim. It can occur in major religious organizations and cults, and has emotional, physical, and financial consequences for victims. Abusive […]

What’s spiritual awareness?

Spiritual consciousness is achieved through meditation and breathing techniques. Yoga and martial arts are forms of exercise that focus on spiritual awareness. Deep breathing exercises are the best method to quickly learn about spiritual consciousness. Hinduism is a religion based on inner peace and spiritual consciousness. “Chi” is a term used to describe the internal […]

How to be a spiritual coach?

Becoming a spiritual coach requires a combination of training, experience, and business skills. There is no set path, but certification programs and self-guided education can help. Specializing in a certain religion or having a broad understanding of world religions can be helpful. Professional training courses can offer certification and business management skills. Work experience in […]

What’s a spiritual journey?

A spiritual journey can be physical or mental and aims for enlightenment or spiritual understanding. It can involve travel to specific places, such as pilgrimage destinations, or can be a personal quest. It can be guided or unguided, and can be found in everyday experiences. A spiritual journey is a nebulous concept, best defined by […]

What’s Spiritual Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is a spiritual concept in Buddhism and Hinduism that involves detachment and awareness, freeing oneself from attachment to worldly things. In Buddhism, enlightenment is called nirvana, while in Hinduism it is moksha. Enlightenment is a mystical concept that cannot be achieved through reading, but rather through a unique path of spiritual development. It is […]

What’s spiritual theology?

Spiritual theology combines the study of theology with living the tenets of a particular faith. It is practiced by those who believe in a certain theology and shape their lives according to its teachings. It is often applied to evangelical Christians and Catholics who structure their lives around the literal interpretation of the Bible. The […]

What’s spiritual metaphysics?

Spiritual metaphysics is the study of metaphysical concepts and emotions related to a person’s spirit, seeking to explain how people connect to the world. It focuses on a person’s spirit or soul, investigating connections individuals have with everything. The concept of mirroring has led it to be a tool for behavioral and emotional change. It […]

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