What’s Email Spoofing?

Email spoofing is when the sender alters email header fields to appear as if they are from a different source. This is often done for fraudulent reasons, such as obtaining personal information or spreading viruses. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is commonly used for email, but it is not secure and does not provide authentication. […]

Types of spoofing software?

Spoofing is when someone pretends to be someone else or an organization to gain access to sensitive information. Spoofing software can change addresses like MAC, IP, email, SMS, and DNS. Spoofing websites can be done by copying pages or registering a similar web address. IP spoofing can be detected by network analysis software and prevented […]

What’s IP Spoofing?

IP spoofing allows a user to disguise or change their computer’s IP address, often used for illegal or unethical practices. An IP address is a computer’s location on the internet, assigned by the ISP. Spoofing can be used for internet-based attacks or unauthorized access to a system by mimicking a trusted computer’s IP address. An […]

What’s Address Resolution Protocol Spoofing?

ARP spoofing is a method of redirecting traffic from an IP address to the MAC address of the spoofer by sending a fake ARP message. The attacker can either passively receive data or actively alter it before forwarding it. While it has legitimate uses, it is often used for unauthorized data acquisition and is also […]

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