What’s Spouse Assistance?

Spouse Assistance is a US program that provides funds for the education of spouses of deployed military members, with similar programs in other countries. Eligible expenses are limited to tuition and books, and the program must meet certain standards. Private sector spousal assistance is rare. Spouse Assistance evokes a program authorized for continuity in the […]

Spouse abandonment: what is it?

Spousal abandonment occurs when a partner intentionally and secretly distances themselves from the family, often leaving the other without financial support. Separation can be beneficial, but when one party leaves without informing the other, it can cause emotional and financial distress. Abandonment is not always caused by men and can occur for various reasons, including […]

How to trust my spouse?

Mistrust between spouses is a growing industry, and communication is the only way to learn to trust. Regaining lost trust is difficult, and analyzing the source of distrust is necessary. Seeking assistance from a counselor or mediator is recommended, and forgiveness is necessary for rebuilding trust. It’s a long road, but both parties must prove […]

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