What’s a standalone transaction?

Autonomous transactions are used in Oracle databases to break down complex transactions into simpler parts. They interrupt the original transaction to retrieve information or complete the process required by the standalone transaction, then resume processing the original transaction. They provide simplicity and flexibility in calling database operations and can be nested within each other. They […]

What’s a standalone program?

Standalone software exists without requiring extras to function. It contrasts with system software, plug-ins, modular software, and non-self-contained software. Application suites may include non-standalone software. Standalone software can also refer to location and resource usage. Something that is self-contained exists without requiring extras to function. In the world of computers and the Internet, the basic […]

What’s a standalone oven?

A freestanding oven is a cooking device with feet and sides, while a built-in oven must be built into a cabinet wall or countertop. They are generally cheaper and come in different sizes and styles, with various accessories available. Professional freestanding ovens can have six to eight burners and two ovens. A freestanding oven is […]

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