What’s stellar evolution?

Stellar evolution involves the formation, burning, and death of stars, which can be observed through various stages on a graph. Stars form in molecular clouds and evolve based on their chemical composition, eventually dying as white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. The Sun is a main-sequence star that will become a red giant in […]

What’s Stellar Wind?

Stellar wind is gas ejected from a star’s atmosphere, with different types of stars producing different types of winds. Radiation pressure is a driving force. Mass loss is part of a star’s life cycle. The sun’s wind is loaded with electrons and protons. Post-main-sequence stars have slower winds with more matter, while hot bright stars […]

Stellar nucleosynthesis: what is it?

Stellar nucleosynthesis creates most elements in the periodic table. The Big Bang created 80% hydrogen and 20% helium. Proton-proton chain and CNO cycle are types of hydrogen burning. Heavier elements are formed through alpha, carbon, neon, oxygen, and silicon burning. A star can collapse into a neutron star or black hole. Stellar nucleosynthesis is the […]

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