What’s Stonehenge?

Stonehenge, a megalithic monument in southern England, was built in stages from 2950 to 1600 BC. The first phase, Stonehenge 1, was a circular enclosure with wooden posts. Stonehenge 2 had a wooden structure and cremation burials. Stonehenge 3 used large stones arranged in various patterns, with the final phase creating the horseshoe and circular […]

Is Stonehenge special?

Stone circles were likely used for seasonal and crop-related rituals by tribes in the British Isles. Many still exist, including Stonehenge, Avebury, Castlerigg, and Rollright Stones. Stonehenge was built between 2400-2200 BC, with the circular bank and moat dating back to 3100 BC. Stone circles such as Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England were likely tribal gathering […]

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