Perm. injunction: legal order to stop action.

A permanent injunction is a court order issued after a full trial or default judgment, requiring a person or entity to permanently cease or perform in a certain way. They are used in civil cases as a type of equitable remedy when monetary damages are insufficient. They differ from temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions, […]

Stop payment on money order: how?

To stop payment on a money order, contact the issuing financial institution and complete the required documentation. If purchased at a US Post Office, complete Form 6401 and pay a fee. Rules and fees vary among institutions, and a toll-free number is usually provided on the receipt. You can stop payment on a money order […]

Bullying: Does it stop after high school?

Childhood cliques can carry over into the workplace, with attractive employees receiving more promotions and prestigious projects, while less attractive colleagues are bullied and given menial tasks, according to research from the University of Notre Dame and Michigan State University. The study found that physical attractiveness determines how a person is treated at work, despite […]

How to stop menstrual bleeding?

Consult a doctor to rule out underlying causes of heavy menstrual bleeding before attempting treatment. Options include natural remedies, hormone therapy, and surgery. Vitamin K and herbal remedies may also help. Excessive menstrual bleeding can be caused by a number of factors, and a woman should consult her doctor to rule out any underlying causes […]

What’s stop hunting?

Stop hunting is a trading technique used to force people out of market positions, triggering stop-loss orders and increasing volatility. Traders use whole numbers for convenience when placing stop orders, and experienced traders can use volatility to their advantage. Brokers using knowledge of stop orders for personal gain is unethical. Stop hunting is a technique […]

How to stop child TV addiction?

Children should limit TV time and engage in activities that promote cognitive development, such as reading, playing outside, board games, crafts, and educational adventures. Parents should set an example by participating in these activities with their children. Children and television go hand in hand. When the television is on, children will watch it, putting aside […]

When to stop reading to kids?

Reading to children is beneficial for enhancing learning skills and bonding time. Once children start reading on their own, parents can switch roles or read together. Reading should never stop and can include diverse selections and extended dialogue moments. However, parents should stop reading if it interferes with a child’s silent reading practice or if […]

What’s “Back Stop” mean?

A back stop is an agreement between a financial institution and a company issuing shares, guaranteeing that any unsold shares during an IPO will be bought by the institution. Companies prefer institutions with support agreements to avoid unsold shares affecting share prices. Financial institutions can switch shares to a mutual fund or hold them for […]

What’s a Trailing Stop Loss?

Trailing stop losses are orders where the price is set below the current market price, adjusting upwards if the market price increases. This approach limits losses and allows for potential earnings, while freeing the investor from monitoring the market. Analysts recommend setting the stop loss 10-15% below the current price. Trailing stop losses are stop […]

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