Best tips for stronger back muscles?

Back muscles are often neglected in exercise routines, but strengthening them can relieve lower back pain and improve posture, balance, and proprioception. Exercises like side pushups, close grip pushups, and reverse grip pushups can help, and it’s important to regularly incorporate them into your routine and track progress. The back muscles are one of the […]

Stronger, greener concrete: How?

Adding nano-platelets from carrots and sugar beets to concrete can improve its strength and reduce the need for Portland cement, which is not environmentally friendly. These plant-based mixes also outperform traditional additives and may require less concrete, helping to reduce emissions from the manufacturing process. Concrete has been used as a building material since ancient […]

Silk vs Kevlar: Stronger?

Spider silk is stronger than Kevlar® and can withstand stretching up to 40% more than its original length without breaking. It has potential applications in space suits and artificial blood vessels. Some types of spider silk are stronger than Kevlar®, the material used to make bulletproof vests. Darwin’s bark spider is capable of producing twice […]

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