Causes of stuttering?

Stuttering has physical causes related to the way the brain operates while talking, but emotions and environment can exacerbate it. Therapy works best for younger children, and emotional control is important for maintaining fluid speech. Neglect or abuse may not cause stuttering, but it can affect its severity. The question of whether there are different […]

Causes of stuttering?

Stuttering is a common disorder that affects about 1% of the population, with persistent developmental stuttering (PDS) usually developing before puberty. It can be inherited and can severely impair communication, but recovery rates are around 80%. The origin of stuttering is still unclear, but recent scientific findings suggest that it may be related to mild […]

Stuttering vs. Stammering: What’s the Difference?

Stuttering and stuttering are interchangeable terms for a speech disorder where an individual has difficulty forming words. It occurs more often in boys and can worsen in stressful situations. Severe cases may include physical movements. Speech therapy and support groups can help manage the condition. Stuttering and stuttering are two terms used interchangeably to refer […]

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