What’s a subpoena server’s job?

A subpoena server delivers legal documents to individuals requiring them to perform specific court actions, such as appearing in court or surrendering property. The server must obtain proof of delivery and failure to comply can result in legal liability. Subpoenas are important for ensuring court proceedings can proceed and servers must be authorized by the […]

What’s a bankruptcy subpoena?

A bankruptcy subpoena is a court order for witnesses or evidence in bankruptcy proceedings. There are two types: one for testimony and one for evidence. Failure to comply can result in contempt of court. Bankruptcy is a legal statement of inability to pay debts, with six different chapters. The subpoena specifies the district, subject, and […]

What’s a Duces Tecum subpoena?

A subpoena duces tecum is a court order directing individuals to provide specific documentation for use as evidence in a trial or hearing. The liability includes handing in the documents and providing sworn testimony if required. The summons must be served correctly, and the defender can challenge it by submitting an application to the judge. […]

What’s a criminal subpoena?

A criminal subpoena is a court order for a person to appear or produce documents in a legal case. There are two types: subpoena duces tecum and subpoena ad testimoniaificandum. They are granted by a judge and failure to comply can result in contempt of court, fines, and jail time. Special accommodations or deferments can […]

Summons vs subpoena: what’s the diff?

Subpoenas are used to notify a party to a lawsuit, while subpoenas are used to call witnesses in court. Both require mandatory submission, and ignoring them can have serious consequences. Subpoenas provide information about who filed the action, the attorney representing them, and when the trial will take place. Witnesses are required to comply with […]

What’s a witness subpoena?

A subpoena legally requires an individual to appear in court to provide evidence or testimony. The legal process varies depending on local laws and failure to appear can result in legal penalties. Witnesses may charge a fee to cover loss of income and travel expenses. Anyone can issue an approved witness subpoena except the defendant […]

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