Substrate conc.?

The substrate is the substance that an enzyme acts on, and substrate concentration affects the rate of reactions. Enzymes are specific and form an enzyme-substrate complex. Substrate concentration and enzyme concentration affect the rate of reactions, and the limiting factor is the lowest level. Temperature and pH also affect the rate of reactions. Increasing temperature […]

Cambrian substrate revolution: what is it?

The Cambrian Substratum Revolution saw the first excavators burrowing into the seabed, creating a new niche and leading to the evolution of burrowing organisms. This may have contributed to the Cambrian explosion. Digging provided food, anchoring, and protection from predators, leading to the decline of microbial mats. The Cambrian Substratum Revolution was a pivotal evolutionary […]

What’s a Substrate?

A substrate is a material or layer upon which other materials or processes are performed, used in agriculture, microchip manufacturing, medicine, geology, and more. The silicon substrate is complex, with multiple layers, and research is being done to create three-dimensional microchips. Enzyme substrates are natural three-dimensional shapes, and geological processes use substrates to determine age […]

Substrate phosphorylation: what is it?

Substrate phosphorylation is a process where cells produce ATP from ADP in glycolysis. An inorganic phosphate group is transferred to ADP from a more energetic molecule, creating ATP. This process occurs twice in glycolysis and is regulated by external factors and hormones. Substrate phosphorylation, also called substrate-level phosphorylation, is a biochemical process by which cells […]

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