What’s a Superconductor?

Superconductivity is a property exhibited by some materials at very low temperatures. Superconductors conduct electricity without resistance and perfectly repel magnetic fields in a phenomenon known as the Meissner effect. High temperature superconductors have a critical temperature above 70K and are almost always cuprate-perovskite ceramic. In a superconductor, electrons bind to each other in arrangements […]

High temp superconductor: what is it?

High-temperature superconductors (HTS) exhibit superconducting properties above the theoretical limit of -452° to -454° Fahrenheit (-269° to -270° Celsius). Copper-based HTS compounds were discovered in 1986, followed by iron and arsenic-based compounds in 2008. Ongoing research aims to engineer better compounds that can operate at room temperature, offering benefits such as reduced energy consumption and […]

Superconductor tech types?

Superconductors have many applications in technology, science, and medicine. They transmit electricity with almost no resistance and can be used to improve the efficiency and safety of the power grid, create precise imaging for medical and military purposes, and create faster and more compact circuits for computers. High-temperature superconducting technologies make them more practical and […]

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