What’s a suspended Chad?

The term “hanging chad” originated from the 2000 US presidential election when ballots with small pieces of paper still attached caused controversy. Florida’s voting methods were scrutinized, and a manual recount was required. The term remains in popular usage and is associated with electoral procedure breakdown. A hanging chad refers to a small piece of […]

What’s suspended animation?

Suspended animation slows down the body’s processes, making it appear dead but giving medical personnel more time to treat critical injuries. Different methods are being researched, including inducing severe hypothermia or poisoning the body with a toxic gas. This procedure could save lives and enable long-term space travel. Suspended animation is a state induced by […]

What’s “suspended breath” mean when waiting?

The phrase “suspended breath” means to eagerly anticipate something, but many people don’t know its origin. It is often confused with the homophone “bated”. The phrase has been used since Shakespeare’s time and refers to stopped breathing. It is commonly used for immediate events. To wait with “suspended breath” means to eagerly anticipate something, to […]

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