What’s a whiplash suspension?

Whiplash suspension is a custom suspension for 4WD trucks that increases ground clearance and allows for oversized tires. It is available for most truck models and comes with a lifetime warranty. The suspension maintains factory geometry and can be personalized with laser-cut designs. It is suitable for both on and off-road adventures and adds visual […]

What’s air suspension?

Air suspension systems in vehicles can replace traditional components or assist them. Airbags have Schrader valves and can be checked and filled with the same tool as tires. Custom air suspensions can be installed by the owner or a professional mechanic. Regular checks are necessary as airbags lose air slowly. Some systems are automatic and […]

Indep. rear suspension: what is it?

Independent rear suspension allows each wheel on an axle to move independently, providing a smoother ride and better handling on uneven roads. It is favored by some manufacturers, including Ford, and can be installed as a kit. Installation requires complex equipment found in garages. Independent rear suspension is a configuration of car and truck suspension […]

What’s active suspension?

Active suspension is a computer-controlled system that adjusts the firmness of a vehicle’s ride through computer-activated shocks. It uses magnetic fluid material and traction sensors to detect changes in road conditions and improve handling. The first fully active suspension system was introduced in the early 1990s. Some cars have preset active suspension systems with different […]

What’s a suspension system?

The suspension system of a vehicle absorbs the impact of rough roads, allowing for a comfortable and controlled ride. Early designs lacked suspension, causing discomfort and damage. Advances in technology led to the modern suspension system with shock absorbers and automatic bump damping. A vehicle’s suspension system consists of shock absorbers, springs and, if applicable, […]

What’s a suspension bridge?

Suspension bridges suspend the roadway from cables attached to a main cable that runs over the length of the bridge. They are strong, light, and beautiful. The basic design has been around for centuries, and engineers continue to push the limits of the spans suspension bridges can span. A suspension bridge begins with the construction […]

What’s suspension training?

Suspension training uses straps and body weight to increase strength, flexibility, and endurance. It has roots in the military and can be customized for different fitness levels. Gyms offer classes, and it can be done at home or while traveling. A strong core is necessary, and those unsure should consult a doctor or trainer. Suspension […]

What’s a suspension wire?

Suspension cables support bridge lights and the roadway hangs from smaller drop cables. Maintenance is constant, with regular inspections and painting to combat rust and corrosion. Bridges over salt water use rubberized coating. The George Washington Bridge has enough steel cables to go around the Earth at the equator. A suspension cable is used to […]

Colloidal suspension: what is it?

A colloidal suspension is a mixture of two materials where one is microscopically dispersed in the other, but not chemically bonded. Examples include milk, paint, smoke, and human blood. Colloidal particles can scatter light, creating a reflective quality. The balance between repulsive charges and attractive forces keeps the particles suspended. Hydrophobic detergent molecules can maintain […]

What’s habeas corpus suspension?

Habeas corpus is the right to demand lawful detention. It can be suspended in times of war or civil unrest. In the US, it can only be suspended by Congress for public safety reasons. It has been suspended during the Civil War, World War II, and for enemy combatants. Other countries have also suspended it […]

What’s a suspension bridge?

Suspension bridges are supported by suspensions and are often found in underdeveloped locations. They can be built with different materials and are rarely flat. They are often unstabilized and require handrails, but can be stabilized with overhead wires or wire mesh. They are mostly used for pedestrian traffic as they are considered inefficient for motorized […]

What’s school suspension?

In-school suspension (ISS) is a disciplinary method that keeps students in school while addressing their behavior. Students attend classes in a suspended classroom and complete assignments. ISS benefits both the student and the community by maintaining a routine and allowing teachers to address behavior. Different districts administer ISS in various ways, some with more discipline […]

What’s suspension of disbelief?

Suspension of disbelief is when an audience becomes emotionally invested in a story despite knowing it’s not real. It requires compelling characters and storylines, and the audience must consciously ignore skepticism. Critics use it negatively when a story is absurd or contradictory. Internal consistency is important, and unrealistic plot devices can make the story unbelievable. […]

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