Floral symbolism in China: examples?

Flower symbolism is important in many cultures, including China. Specific flowers have clear meanings and can be important in art and gift-giving. Peonies, chrysanthemums, lotuses, and orchids are common in Chinese symbolism, while white flowers and odd numbers are considered unlucky. Flower symbolism is an important part of many cultures; many Westerners, for example, associate […]

Symbolism in poetry: what’s its purpose?

Symbolism in poetry conveys deeper meanings than words alone, evoking unique feelings in readers. It was popularized in the mid-19th century as a transition from Romanticism to Modernism and Surrealism. Symbolism also conceals taboo subjects, as seen in Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal. Symbolist poets aim to maintain the legitimacy of inner life and […]

Images vs. Symbolism: What’s the Difference?

Imagery and symbolism are literary conventions used to enhance an author’s message or theme in poetry and other genres. Imagery creates vivid mental images using sensory words, while symbolism uses concrete objects to represent concepts. They can be used together or separately, and can sometimes be difficult to distinguish. Close examination of a work can […]

Symbolism and allegory: what’s the link?

Symbolism and allegory both use symbols, but not all stories with symbolism are allegories. Symbols represent abstract ideas or people, and some have become clichés. Allegories are complete stories with every character, action, object, and setting as a symbol. Many are intended for ethical instruction, and some use obvious character names. Religious writings often use […]

What’s sound symbolism?

Sound symbolism studies words that convey meaning through mimicry, found in many languages and cultures. They are formed through primitive sounds, clusters of letters, and onomatopoeia. Phonesthetic constructions convey meaning through their position in a word. Iconism places a certain sound within words to guide action. Onomatopoeia is widespread in comics and literature. The linguistic […]

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