What’s Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a serious disease caused by taking neuroleptic drugs, used to treat mental health conditions. Symptoms include fever, encephalopathy, unstable vitals, elevated enzymes, and stiff muscles. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial for survival. Patients should inform doctors of any previous episodes of NMS before undergoing surgery. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) […]

What’s Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome?

Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is a complication of HIV in which the immune system causes mass inflammation in response to an opportunistic infection. Treatment involves retreating the underlying condition that caused the infection. Antiretroviral drugs can trigger IRIS when virus levels decrease and T-cell levels increase. Symptoms include fever and pain, and the condition […]

What’s Treacher Collins Syndrome?

Treacher Collins syndrome is an inherited disorder that affects facial bone and soft tissue development, causing distorted facial features, hearing loss, and airway constriction. It is caused by a mutation of a specific gene and can be diagnosed before birth through routine ultrasound. Treatment includes lifelong reconstructive surgical procedures. Treacher Collins syndrome is an inherited […]

What’s milk-alkali syndrome?

Milk-alkali syndrome is caused by excessive calcium intake, leading to hypercalcemia and alkaline blood chemistry that can damage the kidneys. It was first seen in peptic ulcer patients but can also occur in those taking calcium supplements. Symptoms include nausea, weakness, and kidney stones. Diagnosis involves blood and urine tests, and treatment involves reducing calcium […]

What’s SAPHO Syndrome?

SAPHO syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease that affects bones, joints, and skin. Symptoms include joint pain, skin problems, and limited mobility. Treatment includes anti-inflammatory medication and topical creams. The cause is unknown, and diagnosis involves a team of specialists. SAPHO syndrome is a rare disease that can cause serious problems with bones, joints and […]

What’s Plummer-Vinson Syndrome?

Plummer-Vinson syndrome is a rare condition associated with iron deficiency anemia that causes difficulty swallowing due to esophageal nets. It is more common in women aged 40-80 and can increase the risk of throat or esophageal cancer. Iron supplements or esophageal dilation can treat the condition. Plummer-Vinson syndrome, or PVS, is a condition traditionally associated […]

What’s Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome?

Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes skin lesions, lung cysts, and kidney tumors. It is caused by a mutation of the folliculin gene and can be life-threatening when symptoms show up in the lungs. Symptoms present differently in different people, and it is difficult to predict who will develop more severe symptoms. Birt-Hogg-Dube […]

What’s Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome?

Hemolytic uremic syndrome is a rare condition caused by E. coli bacteria, primarily affecting children under 15. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and kidney failure. Immediate medical attention is necessary for diagnosis and treatment, which may include blood transfusions, dialysis, or kidney transplant. Hemolytic uremic syndrome is a rare medical condition that can cause severe […]

What’s lateral medullary syndrome?

Lateral medullary syndrome is a neurological disorder caused by a blood clot in the vertebral artery, resulting in necrosis in the lateral part of the medulla oblongata. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, nausea, dizziness, and facial pain. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms, and the prognosis varies. Lateral medullary syndrome is a neurological disorder named for the […]

What’s Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome?

Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome is a congenital condition characterized by a birthmark, soft skin, and varicose veins. It can cause limb enlargement, heart failure, and other problems. Treatment options include surgery, sclerotherapy, compression therapy, and elevating the affected limb. There is no cure for the syndrome. Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome is a congenital condition that is diagnosed by identifying […]

What’s Churg-Strauss Syndrome?

Churg-Strauss syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease causing inflammation of blood vessels, which can spread to organs such as the lungs and skin. Symptoms include shortness of breath, skin problems, and abdominal pain. Treatment involves high doses of prednisone and immunosuppressive drugs. The cause is unknown, and it can be difficult to diagnose in the […]

What’s Acute Radiation Syndrome?

Acute radiation syndrome (ARS) is caused by short-term exposure to high doses of radiation, with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Recovery depends on the nature and dosage of radiation, and prevention involves avoiding high-dose sources. Treatment focuses on supportive care, and those who recover may experience long-term health complications. First responders are at increased […]

What’s Muckle Wells Syndrome?

Muckle Wells syndrome (MWS) is a rare genetic disease that affects the skin, joints, and can cause fever. It can also damage the kidneys and hearing. Symptoms include rashes, joint pain, and inflamed eyes. The NLRP3 gene causes MWS, which codes for a protein called cryopyrin that triggers inflammation. Recurring episodes of inflammation occur throughout […]

Down syndrome kids: what traits?

Children with Down syndrome have physical characteristics such as flat noses, small ears, low muscle tone, and slanted eyes. Abnormalities can be identified before birth through ultrasound and amniocentesis. They may also have mental retardation, and early intervention is crucial for their development. Children with Down syndrome generally display one or more of several physical […]

What’s Foreign Accent Syndrome?

Foreign Accent Syndrome is a rare condition where a person speaks with a foreign accent after a traumatic brain injury, aneurysm, or stroke. It is caused by damage to the brain’s speech center and can cause social anxiety or agoraphobia. Some researchers believe that the accent is not actually foreign, but a damaged form of […]

Holt Oram Syndrome: What is it?

Holt-Oram syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the development of the upper limbs and heart. Symptoms include skeletal abnormalities and serious heart problems. It is caused by a mutation in the TBX5 gene and can be inherited or result from a new mutation. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and improving function. Genetic counseling […]

What’s Ogilvie Syndrome?

Ogilvie syndrome causes colon dilation without physical obstruction, often in hospitalized patients. Symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation. Treatment involves supportive care and addressing underlying causes. Surgery may be necessary in severe cases. The condition has a high mortality rate and can be associated with comorbidities. Treatment options can be varied and complex, and […]

What’s Brown-Sequard Syndrome?

Brown-Sequard syndrome is a rare type of partial paralysis caused by damage to the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis on one side of the body and loss of feeling on the other. It can be caused by trauma, tumors, blocked blood vessels, or certain diseases. Treatment options vary depending on the cause and severity. It […]

What’s Parsonage-Turner Syndrome?

Parsonage-Turner syndrome causes sudden shoulder pain and muscle weakness or paralysis in the arm, hand, or wrist. It can be caused by viral or bacterial infections, vaccinations, childbirth, surgery, trauma, or genetic defects. Treatment involves pain management and physical therapy, and most people recover fully within five years. Parsonage-Turner syndrome is a relatively rare disorder […]

What’s POEMS Syndrome?

POEMS syndrome is a rare disorder causing protein buildup in organs and tissue cells, peripheral nerve damage, and symptoms including peripheral neuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes. It is most common in older men in Japan and may be a rare blood disorder or immune system disorder. POEMS syndrome refers to a rare […]

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