Solar system history?

The solar system formed 4.6 billion years ago from a collapsing molecular cloud, with the Sun and planets forming at the same time. Planets formed by accretion, with rocky planets closer to the Sun and gas giants farther away. Jupiter’s gravity created the asteroid belt, and beyond that is the Kuiper belt and interstellar space. […]

What’s a Wireless Distribution System?

A wireless distribution system (WDS) connects multiple access points in a single network, extending coverage into larger offices. It requires computers, a router/modem, and can use two or three base stations. Wireless bridging connects components or networks, while wireless repeaters extend range. Security is essential, using WEP or WPA/WPA2 encryption protocols to restrict access. A […]

What’s an EHR System?

Electronic health record systems store medical records in digital format, providing benefits such as portability and reduced errors. However, security and compatibility concerns must be addressed, and user resistance must be overcome. Governments have launched programs to encourage adoption. An electronic health record system is a system designed to store medical records in an electronic […]

What’s “System under test”?

SUT is testing a system to ensure it works, often for error correction. It can be used for the entire program or specific sections. Integration testing precedes SUT to ensure successful installation. Testing involves going through every function and tool to check for errors. “System Under Test” (SUT) is a broad term meaning that the […]

Hierarchical file system?

A hierarchical file system organizes digital information through folders and subfolders, with the root directory at the top. It improves efficiency and is used in various operating systems. File paths show the location of data within the structure. A hierarchical file system (HFS) is used to arrange and organize digital information on a computer through […]

What’s a journal file system?

A journaling file system logs system updates before making permanent changes to maintain data integrity in case of a crash. It is vital for critical data processing environments and can be customized for performance and data integrity. PCs usually don’t need it, but home businesses might consider it. A file system journaling is a special […]

What’s the endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system regulates body processes such as appetite, pain, mood, and memory through signaling molecules that bind to receptor proteins. Cannabis mimics these molecules and can produce similar responses. The system involves ligands, such as anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol, that bind to two cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, to produce a response. Cannabis contains cannabinoids […]

What’s a Supply Mgmt System?

A supply management system is a shared IT tool used to track material orders and their locations in a network of companies. It’s commonly used in manufacturing, such as the automotive industry, and is essential for planning production levels and just-in-time delivery arrangements. The system is updated with real-time information and can be updated through […]

What’s an Ecommerce System?

E-commerce systems facilitate online payments, with options ranging from integrated software to third-party providers like PayPal. Key features include shopping carts, integration, and security. Encryption protects sensitive data. E-commerce is essential for online merchants and customers due to the popularity of online shopping and banking. An e-commerce system is a system that facilitates the acceptance […]

What’s a data system?

Data processing systems use computer programs to turn raw data into information through transaction processing. The first system was developed in the 1800s, with technological advances leading to the creation of modern components such as processors and hard disk storage. Input methods include keyboards and external media, and configurations include mainframes, mid-range computers, and client-server […]

What’s an Info Management System?

An information management system collects and manages data from various sources within an organization, and must comply with laws and regulations. Experts from different fields work together to develop the system, which can be developed in-house or licensed from commercial software. The system must be able to pull information about specific requests to be considered […]

What’s an autonomous system?

An autonomous system (AS) is a network with its own routing policies and an assigned Autonomous System Number (ASN). The Internet Protocol (IP) is the protocol used for communication between computer systems and is responsible for moving packets of information. To become a public autonomous system, the AS must have a clear internal routing plan, […]

What’s a stats analysis system?

Statistical analysis systems are software used for statistical analysis on datasets, including descriptive and inductive statistics. They are used by scientists and businesses, with both graphical and command line interfaces. Fourth generation programming languages have made data manipulation easier. Many proprietary and open source software applications are available for various operating systems. The term “statistical […]

What’s a Control System?

A control system manages computer network activities and device interactions. Sequential, linear, and hybrid systems are used for different tasks. The design depends on the process and includes self-diagnosis for efficient repairs. In computing, a control system is a collection of devices that are used to manage the activities inherent in a computer network and […]

Best computer backup system?

Computer backup systems are critical as home computers approach the terabyte limit. The best system depends on personal needs, preferences, skills, and financial considerations. Options include external drives, disk images, dedicated clone drives, RAID, and remote backup services. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. A computer backup system is critical with home computers approaching the […]

What’s a File System?

A file system is how data is stored and accessed on a computer using an operating system. Different types of file systems exist, with hierarchical systems being the most common. Windows uses a hierarchical system with drives and directories for organization. A file system is a way in which files are stored, accessed, overwritten and […]

What’s an Aerobic System?

Aerobic systems use bacteria to pre-treat wastewater for safe disposal, requiring oxygen to process waste. There are three types of aerobic processing systems: suspended growth, sequencing batch reactor, and fixed film reactor. Aerobic systems are more expensive but produce superior quality effluents, making them suitable for sensitive environmental areas. Some locations do not allow the […]

What’s an online top-up system?

An online debit system allows communication service companies to charge in real-time for services rendered. The system initiates charges as soon as the service session ends, using financial data on file. The system generates an electronic invoice and sends it to the customer via email. The system benefits suppliers by increasing cash flow and creating […]

What’s a System on a Chip (SOC)?

The demand for computer chips and processors is increasing, but physical space is decreasing. System-on-a-Chip (SOC) combines all components onto one chip, but it takes more time and money to produce. The main obstacle is the laws of physics, but advances in nanotechnology may make SOC possible. The demands for computer chips and processors these […]

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