What’s a Dish/Stirling System?

Dish/Stirling systems use parabolic mirrors to reflect sunlight onto a receiver, heating a gas chamber connected to a piston and crankshaft. They have an efficiency of around 25% and are mounted on motorized pedestals. Flat/Stirling systems use a parabolic mirror and a Stirling engine, which runs silently using any heat source. The Stirling engine has […]

What’s the Network Info System?

NIS is a client and server system that allows machines in a network to share configuration files. It centralizes administration of Unix systems and supports file sharing. NIS is an industry standard and was originally called Yellow Pages. Network information system, also known as NIS, is a client and server system based on remote procedure […]

What’s a System Simulation?

System simulations are computer-based models used to predict how a system will perform under certain conditions. They have various uses, from testing computer hardware to preparing for natural disasters. System simulations create mathematical models of the simulated parts and determine the probability of action based on the interaction of various models. They model groups of […]

What’s the 3-domain system?

The three-domain system, proposed by Carl Woese in 1990, classifies cellular life into Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota. It distinguishes between eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms, with Archaea and Bacteria belonging to separate domains due to their genetic differences. Each domain has its own kingdoms, with Eukaryota having four. The system is important for studying prokaryotic organisms […]

What are Expert System Shells? (31 characters)

Expert system shells are software with an interface, inference engine, and formatted knowledge base skeleton. They assist in solving specific problems by mimicking human reasoning and can be customized to meet user needs. Inference rules guide forward or backward chaining to arrive at probable new information. In expert systems, expert system shells are the software […]

What are Expert System Shells? (35 characters)

Expert system shells are software that contain an interface, inference engine, and formatted knowledge base skeleton. They are used to develop a knowledge base and customize it to meet user needs. Inference rules in expert system shells use forward or backward chaining to arrive at probable new information. In expert systems, expert system shells are […]

What’s a system management unit?

The System Management Unit (SMU) is a microcontroller on a device’s logic board that regulates key operations, replacing the older Power Management Unit. It communicates with the operating system to adjust power flow and prevent overheating. Malfunctions can be fixed with a manual reset or manufacturer workarounds. System Management Units, also known as SMUs, are […]

Endocrine system issues: what’s typical?

The endocrine system can have various disorders, including diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, growth failure, hypoglycemia, Grave’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and Addison’s disease. Symptoms and treatment should be discussed with a doctor. Problems with the endocrine system affect the production and use of various hormones in the body. Some of the more commonly diagnosed […]

What’s System Integration?

System integration involves implementing new systems that interface with existing ones to solve problems. It applies to all disciplines and requires planning, implementation, and optimization. Examples include software, management, and business system integration. Specialists in various disciplines work as system integrators. The process usually begins with a request for proposal from the customer, and proposals […]

What’s system migration?

System migration involves transferring data and programs from one computer system to another, either through physical migration or data-driven migration. Outdated hardware and operating systems can make a system obsolete, requiring migration to maintain competitiveness. Migration software can automate the process, but downtime may occur. Gradual migration can minimize disruption. System migration is the act […]

What’s a Net Operating System?

A network operating system controls software and hardware on a network, allowing multiple computers to communicate and share resources. Networks consist of computers connected to a central hub, with a file server storing data. Network administrators manage the system and may receive certifications for specific types of NOS. Peer-to-peer and client/server networks can be overseen […]

Vitamin D & immune system: what’s the link?

Vitamin D is crucial for a strong immune system, which can be achieved through exercise, diet, and sunlight exposure. T cells rely on vitamin D for activation to fight foreign pathogens, and its role in boosting the immune system may lead to new vaccine development. Vitamin D supplements and foods like cod liver oil, shellfish, […]

Muscular system issues: what types?

The muscular system can be affected by various medical conditions, including fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy, and polymyositis. There are three types of muscles: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac, each vulnerable to disease processes. Treatment often includes medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. Problems with the muscular system can cause a variety of symptoms, including pain, fatigue, and […]

What’s a notification system?

Notification systems use protocols and procedures to send timely messages to individuals or groups. Simple systems use one communication method, while complex ones may involve human elements and multiple methods, such as emergency systems used by governments to warn citizens of disasters. A notification system is a set of protocols and procedures that can involve […]

Distr. Operating System: definition?

A distributed operating system distributes tasks across multiple servers, providing better performance and availability. Examples include UNIX, Linux, and Windows. Grid computing is an example of distributed computing. Algorithms are used to manage tasks, with more advanced algorithms providing better performance. A computer operating system (OS) is one of the most important aspects of a […]

What’s an Ext File System?

An extension file system (EFS) manages files and memory on a hard drive using contiguous areas of memory called extents, allowing larger files to be stored in a single location and reducing fragmentation. This can increase speed and extend the life of storage hardware. EFS was originally used in the Unix-like operating system IRIX. An […]

What’s a CRM System?

A CRM system is computer software that helps companies manage their interactions with customers and prospects. Basic systems track sales information, while more advanced programs coordinate all aspects of customer interaction. CRM programs can benefit businesses of all sizes and save time managing information. Optional features include analytics, design and marketing programs, and customer service […]

What’s a host-based security system?

The Host-Based Security System (HBSS) is a suite of software used by the US Department of Defense to protect its computer network through signature and firewall protection. It is host-based, meaning it is installed on every host in the network, ensuring consistent protection. The system consists of six programs that specialize in different tasks, and […]

What’s a host-based security system?

The Host-Based Security System (HBSS) is a suite of software used by the US Department of Defense to protect its computer network through signature and firewall protection. It is host-based, meaning it must be installed on every host in the network. The suite includes six programs, and only information managers and operators are trained in […]

What’s a modular system?

System integration merges multiple applications and devices into a complete software application, with each component considered a module. Modular software development is efficient and imposes logical boundaries between components. Grid computing and object-oriented programming are examples of modular systems. In computing, system integration is the merging of multiple applications and devices to create a complete […]

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