Nat’l Targets Commission: what is it?

The President’s Commission on National Goals set 15 goals for the US to work towards over 10 years, addressing both internal and external problems. It aimed to determine American foreign policy, improve social conditions, and allocate government funds to benefit Americans. The President’s Commission on National Goals was an independent body that set out to […]

Did atomic bombs hit intended targets?

During World War II, the US planned to bomb Kokura, but cloud cover forced them to target Nagasaki instead, killing over 40,000 people. Nagasaki was not originally a target for nuclear strike. History is full of near misses. From assassination attempts — Queen Victoria escaped seven such attempts — to terrifying standoffs like the Cuban […]

Who are trafficking’s top targets?

Human trafficking involves the illegal abduction and transportation of people, often from developing countries in Asia, Africa, and South America. Children are often used as prostitutes, soldiers, and slaves, while women are trafficked for sexual exploitation and forced marriages. Men are trafficked as workers and warriors, and there is a black market for organs. Traffickers […]

Price targets?

Price targets must fit into a company’s marketing strategy, with goals such as creating a buzz, matching competitors’ prices, survival pricing, or skimming for luxury items. The pricing process must ensure a good ROI while remaining competitive. Price targets are the goals a company hopes to achieve when deciding the cost of its products or […]

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