Tattoo parlors popular in South Korea?

A South American mummy from 6,000 BC had a mustache tattoo to attract his wife. In South Korea, tattoos are illegal for anyone other than licensed doctors due to health risks, but people still get them at clandestine parlours. Tattoo artists risk fines and jail time if caught. Korea’s interest in tattoos may have grown […]

USMC’s tattoo policy?

The Marine Corps allows tattoos as long as they follow the rules outlined in their 32-page policy, which includes guidelines on placement and types of tattoos. The handbook also provides guidance on special circumstances. Marines have unique traditions, such as pinning their next rank and eating quickly. The Commandant can confer an honorary title on […]

Best tattoo courses: how to choose?

Online and video tattoo courses can only teach you how to get an apprenticeship. The best way to learn is through an apprenticeship with a licensed tattoo artist who can teach you everything from sterilization to contouring and shading. Look for a shop that adheres to ethical principles and doesn’t prioritize profit over teaching. Avoid […]

Best tattoo removal tips?

After tattoo removal, follow the doctor’s instructions for aftercare to reduce discomfort, protect the area from infection and sun exposure, and watch for complications. Avoid applying substances, submerging in water, and touching blisters. Protect the area from the sun for several months with clothing and sunscreen. After you have a tattoo removed, it is important […]

What’s a motherboard tattoo?

A motherboard tattoo is a unique code in a computer’s BIOS that contains information about the system and the motherboard used. It ensures only authorized recovery and diagnostic discs are used, but can cause issues if components are replaced. It is mainly seen in built systems from manufacturers, and can be frustrating for consumers. Check […]

Tattoo keloid: what is it?

Tattoo keloids are raised scars that occur in some people due to overproduction of scar tissue during the healing process. It is unclear why some people develop keloids, but those who have previously developed them should avoid getting multiple tattoos. Removing keloids is difficult, and treatments such as corticosteroid injections, silicone dressing, and pressure therapy […]

What’s an amalgam tattoo?

An amalgam tattoo is a common discoloration caused by dental amalgam particles getting stuck under oral membranes. Dentists can reduce the risk by using protective dams during procedures. It’s important to confirm that a dark spot is an amalgam tattoo and not oral cancer. Treatment should not be delayed. An amalgam tattoo is an area […]

On whom was “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” based?

Stieg Larsson was inspired by Pippi Longstocking when creating Lisbeth Salander in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” Larsson imagined an adult Pippi with ADHD and a dysfunctional life. Larsson died in 2004 before seeing his books become bestsellers. “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” by Stieg Larsson is a successful Swedish crime novel that […]

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