What’s the Tan Delta Test?

The tan delta test checks insulation quality in medium and high voltage cables. It measures the resistance in the cable as current flows through it to determine the level of phase shift and insulation condition. It can uncover water tree problems, but does not provide information about the location of a problem. Technicians must take […]

How to test raw materials?

Raw materials are tested using various methods, but there were no consistent standards in 2011. Testing is important to ensure appropriate materials are used for intended functions, as using the wrong materials can have serious consequences. Testing methods vary by industry and include corrosion resistance, environmental exposure, durability, fire, physical property analysis, metallurgy, and performance […]

What’s a PSA Cancer Test?

The PSA test measures the levels of a protein made in the prostate to determine if abnormal cell growth is occurring, and is recommended for men over 50. Elevated levels do not necessarily mean cancer, and treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy. Prostate cancer screening is controversial, and patients should discuss with […]

What’s a Coombs test?

A Coombs test detects antibodies in blood that can attack red blood cells. There are two types: direct and indirect. The direct test looks for antibodies already attached to red blood cells, while the indirect test analyzes the serum surrounding red blood cells. The test can help diagnose anemia, mononucleosis, syphilis, and other ailments. The […]

ECG test: what to expect?

An ECG test involves attaching electrodes to the body to track electrical signals in the heart. Different types of ECG tests may be necessary to detect irregular heartbeats. Abnormal ECG results may require follow-up tests such as an MRI or PET. During an ECG test, otherwise known as an electrocardiogram, you will have about 12 […]

What’s a test ring?

Test rings are used to measure force by compressing or stretching a spring-like metal ring with a screw and dial. They are used to calibrate force testing devices and determine material strengths. Invented after WWI by Whittmore and Petrenko, they provide precise data to prevent accidents in construction and design. Scientists and engineers often use […]

What’s a kinesiology test?

Kinesiology testing assesses the body’s efficiency, accuracy, and overall performance, providing valuable information about movement dysfunction and internal functions of the body. Manual muscle testing is used to analyze movement and power, allowing medical professionals to detect movement difficulties and begin a treatment regimen. The body methodically coordinates all of its different systems to function […]

Progesterone blood test: what’s involved?

Doctors conduct a medical interview before a progesterone blood test to identify factors that could affect results. Patients may need to fast and stop taking certain medications. The test involves a small blood sample taken from the arm and sent to a lab for examination. Results usually arrive within 24 hours. Most doctors conduct a […]

What’s a twist test?

A twist test measures a material’s strength against twisting forces. There are three types of tests: failure, proof, and operational. Results are recorded on a stress-strain diagram. The elastic limit is the point where a material can no longer return to its original shape. Ductile metals have high elastic limits, while brittle materials have low […]

What’s an aspirin test?

An aspirin test determines if a patient has aspirin resistance, which can affect the effectiveness of aspirin therapy in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. The test measures the antiplatelet effects of aspirin and the strength of the reaction. Patients unresponsive to aspirin may be at higher risk for health problems, and an […]

What’s a test pilot?

Test pilots fly experimental aircraft and provide feedback to engineers. They require extensive experience, skill, and follow precise test plans. Test pilots must be safety conscious and methodical. The profession originated in WWI and evolved to become more responsible. Test pilots must be able to handle sensory input and respond immediately to problems. Their work […]

What’s a collapse test?

Slump testing determines concrete consistency, allowing for adjustments to be made to achieve the desired stiffness. Proportions of aggregate, cement, and water affect stiffness, with less water producing a stronger finished product. Contractors order wet concrete with a degree of slump suitable for the job, and slump tests are performed by filling a cone-shaped mold […]

What’s a 5-Panel Drug Test?

The 5-panel drug test can detect amphetamines, cannabinoids, cocaine, phencyclidine, and opiates. Samples are collected from bodily fluids and analyzed in a laboratory or through an instant test. Employers often use this test for pre-employment screening and workplace drug testing. The 5-panel test is cheaper than more in-depth tests and covers the most commonly abused […]

What’s a stool test?

A stool test can diagnose abnormalities such as infection, parasites, or colon cancer. Samples are usually collected at home and sent to a lab for testing. Results can prompt further medical attention and treatment. A stool test is a medical procedure in which a small stool sample is collected and tested for abnormalities such as […]

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