Econ: What’s Separation Theorem?

The separation theorem assumes that every business owner aims to maximize the value of their business, but in reality, entrepreneurs may have different goals. It is used for market-wide calculations and theories, but not for individual company decisions. The theorem is named after economist Irving Fisher. The separation theorem is a principle used in economics. […]

Bayes’ theorem: what is it?

Bayes’ theorem calculates updated probability of a hypothesis given new empirical data and prior probabilities. Bayesian inference is its scientific application. The theorem is expressed as a formula and can be used to determine updated probability of any hypothesis given experimental results. Bayes’ theorem, sometimes called Bayes’ rule or principle of inverse probability, is a […]

Pythagorean theorem: what is it?

The Pythagorean theorem, named after Pythagoras, states that in a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides equals the square of the hypotenuse. It has been widely proven and can be used to find unknown segments and special forms, such as Pythagorean triples. The Pythagorean theorem is a mathematical theorem […]

What’s the parallel axis theorem?

The parallel axis theorem determines the moment of inertia of an object as it rotates about any axis. It applies to any solid object in rotation, including irregular shapes. The moment of inertia is the resistance of an object to change in speed or direction of rotation. For regular objects, the moment of inertia can […]

What is the Infinite Monkey Theorem?

The Infinite Monkey Theorem suggests that given infinite time, a monkey typing randomly will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare. However, the probability of this happening is extremely low. The theory has flaws, as monkeys cannot type at random, and Shakespeare’s work was too prolific to be produced entirely at random. The theory is […]

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