Is theoretical physics popular reading?

Stephen Hawking’s doctoral thesis, submitted in 1965, was made available for free download by the University of Cambridge in 2017. Hawking hoped to inspire people to question their place in the universe and make sense of the cosmos through open access to his work. Stephen Hawking submitted his doctoral thesis, titled Properties of Expanding Universes […]

What’s a theoretical value?

Notional value is the estimated price of an option, calculated using mathematical equations such as the Black-Scholes model. It helps investors determine whether buying or selling a security is a good idea and allows for projecting performance based on different scenarios. Comparing notional value to the current market price helps determine potential returns. Sometimes referred […]

Freud vs. Jung: Key Theoretical Differences?

Freud and Jung had a long relationship, but Jung rejected some of Freud’s theories and developed his own method of psychology. They disagreed on religion, the unconscious, and what drives humans. Jung believed in the collective unconscious and the need for individuation, while Freud believed in repressed sexuality. Jung’s therapy focused on helping patients understand […]

What’s a theoretical physicist’s job?

Theoretical physicists require advanced degrees and strong math skills to conduct research, run experiments, analyze data, publish findings, and teach students. They formulate theories on topics such as black holes and quantum mechanics, conduct experiments, analyze data, and share findings through publications and presentations. They also teach students in universities and laboratories. Working as a […]

What’s theoretical sociology?

Theoretical sociology focuses on theory and broad research traditions, while practical sociology is more concrete. It involves identifying and analyzing sociological problems and reacting to them with action points or principles. Subcategories include structural functionalism, Marxism, and conflict theory. Theoretical sociology seeks to draw conclusions about causal events and address real problems in sociology, similar […]

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