Bhutan roads: how they’ve evolved?

Bhutan has been recycling plastic to pave its roads since 2015, creating eco-friendly roads that require less maintenance. The project will use up all of the nation’s plastic waste and protect the environment. Bhutan is governed by the “Gross National Happiness” philosophy and charges tourists between $200 and $250 USD per day to visit. When […]

College attendance & degree types: how they’ve changed.

College attendance in the US increased by 50% between 1986 and 2011, with most new entrants studying humanities. The number of students in STEM fields has remained the same or decreased, and 40% of graduates end up in jobs that don’t require a degree. Disciplines with the best job placement include education, engineering, math, and […]

Life expectancy rates: how they’ve changed?

Life expectancy has increased throughout history due to changes in medical knowledge, nutrition, and sanitation. The US saw a dramatic increase in the 20th century due to a drop in infant mortality rates. Women have a longer life expectancy than men, and rates are lower in poorer nations. Obesity can lower life expectancy rates over […]

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