What’s the Thomas test?

The Thomas test assesses hip muscle contracture and flexibility, useful for medical evaluation, physical therapy, and personal training. Patients lie down and extend one leg to check if the hip flexors are flexible. Orthopedic doctors may use it to diagnose hip problems, and personal trainers can use it to measure progress. Dr. Hugh Owen Thomas […]

Who’s Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison, born in 1847, overcame hyperactivity, hearing loss, and poverty to become a famous American inventor with over 1000 patents. He was homeschooled, worked hard, and invented many machines, including the phonograph, dictaphone, and incandescent light bulb. He died in 1931, leaving a legacy as the greatest inventor who ever lived. A young Thomas […]

Who’s Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson was the third US president, author of the Declaration of Independence, and founder of the Jeffersonian Republican Party. He was born in Virginia, received an excellent education, and served in various political positions. He married and had children, but also fathered children with his slave Sally Hemings. He served as Secretary of State […]

What’s a “Doubtful Thomas”?

The term “doubting Thomas” refers to a skeptic who requires physical evidence before believing anything. It comes from the scene in which Thomas, a disciple of Jesus, doubted his resurrection until he saw and felt his wounds. Thomas later acknowledged Jesus’ divinity and became known as “Thomas the Believer.” The idiom “Thomas’s doubt” can be […]

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