Causes of thyroid cancer?

Thyroid cancer occurs when cells lose the ability to stop reproducing and continue to divide, forming a tumor. Genetics, radiation exposure, family history, and iodine deficiency are all risk factors. The most common types of thyroid cancer are papillary and follicular. The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system and its function is to […]

Thyroid cancer relapse frequency?

Thyroid cancer recurrence rates vary based on stage and treatment, with early-stage cancer and complete removal having lower rates. Aggressive treatment and follow-up checkups can help prevent recurrence. Overall, the five-year survival rate for thyroid cancer is good. Thyroid cancer recurrence isn’t unheard of, but the actual statistics vary widely based on the stage of […]

What’s Thyroid Screening?

Thyroid screening is a blood test that detects thyroid gland problems, which can negatively impact the cardiovascular system and increase cancer risk. Medical experts recommend screening for anyone over 35 every five years. Treating thyroid disease involves medication to bring thyroid activity back to medically acceptable levels. Screening is important for preventative care and may […]

Thyroid gland & hives: what’s the link?

Hives are linked to autoimmune thyroid disorders such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Those with chronic hives should be tested for thyroid antibodies. Hypothyroidism is treated with medication, and hives generally subside once hormone levels return to normal. Allergies can also cause hives. Women are more likely to have thyroid disorders. Skin reactions related to thyroid function […]

Thyroid gland & menstruation: any link?

The thyroid gland can affect menstruation if it is overactive or underactive. Overactive thyroid can cause irregular and light periods, while underactive thyroid can lead to heavy and frequent periods. Other problems include amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, menorrhagia, and dysmenorrhea. The thyroid is a gland located in the neck that creates the hormones responsible for the normal […]

Types of thyroid disorders?

The thyroid gland controls metabolism and hormone balance, but disorders can cause too much or too little hormone production. Hyperthyroidism results in high metabolism, while hypothyroidism slows it down. Testing is important for accurate diagnosis. The thyroid is a small gland in the throat that functions as part of the endocrine system. When functioning properly, […]

What’s a thyroid scan?

A thyroid scan uses a small amount of radioactive material to diagnose diseases of the thyroid gland. The patient ingests radioactive iodine, which is absorbed by the thyroid gland and evaluated by equipment. The scan can detect if the thyroid gland is functioning normally, its size, and any lumps that could indicate cancer. The scan […]

What’s thyroid hypertension?

Thyroid hypertension is high blood pressure linked to thyroid gland problems, commonly seen in hyperthyroidism but can also occur in hypothyroidism. Treatment requires addressing the underlying thyroid issue, and early detection can reduce the risk of complications. Treatment may require trial and error and long-term monitoring. Thyroid hypertension is a form of high blood pressure, […]

Thyroid gland & fatigue: any link?

Thyroid and fatigue are connected, with hypothyroidism causing fatigue due to a lack of thyroid hormones, and hyperthyroidism causing fatigue due to disrupted sleep levels. Other conditions can also affect the thyroid gland and cause fatigue. Checking thyroid hormone levels with a doctor can help restore energy levels. The relationship between thyroid and fatigue is […]

Tyrosine & thyroid: what’s the link?

Tyrosine is an amino acid used to produce thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism. Low levels of tyrosine are linked to hypothyroidism, but deficiencies are rare as it is found in many foods. Tyrosine supplements should be taken under a doctor’s supervision due to potential interactions with other medications. The body uses phenylalanine to make tyrosine, […]

Yoga benefits for thyroid health?

Yoga can help manage thyroid disorders, but not cure them. Certain poses can stimulate an underactive thyroid gland, while others can help cope with symptoms of an overactive thyroid. Consult a doctor and professional yoga instructor before attempting poses. Although it cannot cure a thyroid disorder, practicing yoga for thyroid health can help manage it. […]

What’s thyroid adenoma?

Thyroid adenomas are common benign lumps in the thyroid gland, with symptoms indicating an underactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism. Treatment options include surgery, therapy, or medication, with radioactive iodine and levothyroxine as potential treatments. Most noncancerous nodules do not require treatment. A thyroid adenoma is a benign lump of cells in the thyroid gland which may […]

Thyroid issues: what are they?

The thyroid gland produces hormones that affect the body’s metabolic processes. Overproduction of hormones is hyperthyroidism, while producing too little is hypothyroidism. Symptoms include weight problems, abnormal energy levels, and difficulty regulating body temperature. Diagnosis is through blood tests and treatment involves antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, or hormone replacement. Women are more prone to thyroid […]

Thyroid gland & fibromyalgia: any link?

Thyroid disorders and fibromyalgia share similar symptoms, leading to misdiagnosis. Blood tests can identify an underactive thyroid, while physical examination helps diagnose fibromyalgia. Treatment for thyroid disorders is available, but effective treatments for fibromyalgia remain elusive. Fibromyalgia is often dismissed as psychosomatic, exacerbating pain for patients. The connection between thyroid and fibromyalgia is that thyroid […]

Nuclear thyroid scan: what to expect?

A thyroid nuclear scan is a painless procedure that uses radioactive iodine to check for thyroid problems. Patients may need to prepare by stopping certain medications and avoiding food and drink before the exam. The scan takes up to an hour and results are usually available within a few days. Doctors can gain valuable insights […]

What’s a thyroid lump?

A thyroid mass is a swelling of the thyroid gland, which can be caused by swelling or a lump. Most are benign, but some can be cancerous. Women are more likely to develop them in areas with low iodine levels or after radiation exposure. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing or swallowing. Treatment options include medication, […]

What’s a thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin?

Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) is an autoantibody that can act on the thyroid gland, causing hyperthyroidism or Graves’ disease. TSI binds to the TSH receptor on thyroid cells, stimulating the growth of the gland and increasing the production of thyroid hormone. This can cause physical symptoms such as bulging eyeballs and swelling of the skin. Treatment […]

Medullary thyroid cancer: what is it?

Medullary thyroid cancer is a rare form of thyroid cancer that begins in the parafollicular cells and is diagnosed through ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration. Symptoms include excessive calcitonin, diarrhea, flushing of the skin, and lumps in the neck. Treatment involves thyroidectomy, chemotherapy, and external radiation. Prognoses depend on the stage of the cancer when discovered and […]

What’s a thyroid storm?

Thyroid storm is a serious condition caused by a sudden rise in thyroid hormone levels, which can be fatal if left untreated. Symptoms include fever, sweating, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, and seizures. Treatment involves medication to stop thyroid production and medical support to stabilize the patient. Follow-up care with an endocrinologist is necessary to prevent […]

Types of thyroid blood tests?

Thyroid blood tests determine if the thyroid is releasing the appropriate number of hormones. High or low levels can indicate various conditions. Testing is important for regulating metabolism and brain development in children. Further testing may be needed to determine the cause of abnormal hormone levels. The three types of thyroid blood tests are the […]

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