Intl. trade’s role?

International trade is crucial for a country’s economy, as it affects the trade balance, GDP, and employment. It also opens up untapped markets for businesses, maximizing profit and promoting a country’s values and lifestyle. The role of international trade is to find a balance between import and export to keep the economy strong and citizens […]

Intl. trade’s drawbacks?

International trade has social and environmental disadvantages, including negative effects on cultures and exploitation of workers. It can lead to job losses in developed countries and depletion of natural resources. Small economies are often dependent on developed nations, which can lead to exploitation and trade restrictions. The disadvantages of international trade range from negative social […]

Intl. trade’s impact?

International trade involves the exchange of goods and services across borders, facilitated by technological advances. It impacts economies, employment, outsourcing, and unfair labor practices, benefiting both developed and developing countries but also leading to exploitation of cheap labor in some cases. International trade is trade that transcends international borders. This is in direct contrast to […]

Make after-hours trades?

After-hours trading depends on the desired foreign exchange market and the electronic communication network (ECN) business hours. The NYSE, Nasdaq, London Stock Exchange, Euronext, and Tokyo Stock Exchange offer after-hours trading opportunities. Investors must use an ECN to trade outside business hours, and orders may not be fulfilled due to lower supply and higher volatility. […]

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