What’s transitional justice?

Transitional justice is a process of accountability, recognition, reconciliation, and redress for human rights violations in newly democratizing nations. It includes truth commissions, reparations, and reform of military, police, and judiciary. The concept emerged in the late 1980s during political uprisings against authoritarian regimes in Latin America and Eastern Europe. It continues to evolve as […]

Transitional fossils: what are they?

Transitional fossils are evidence for evolution, but often not recognized. Examples include Pikaia, a primitive notochord organism, Tiktaalik, a fishapod with basic wrist bones, and Archaeopteryx, a bird-dinosaur hybrid. Transitional fossils also exist between humans and chimpanzees. Transitional fossils are the fossils of transitional life forms that represent an evolutionary bridge between two recognized groups. […]

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