Why was Aaron Burr charged with treason?

Aaron Burr planned to capture New Orleans and create his own empire after resigning as Thomas Jefferson’s vice president in 1804. He sought support from the British foreign secretary and found it in General James Wilkinson. Burr gathered an army and support from locals and businessmen, but rumors of his plot reached him and he […]

What’s treason?

Treason is an act of disloyalty to a nation or ruler, punishable by death, imprisonment, or fine. It can destabilize a government and includes assisting enemies or overthrowing the government. In the US, sedition is more commonly prosecuted. The line between treason and legal political activity can be narrow. Treason is defined as an act […]

Penalties for treason?

Treason is disloyalty or betrayal of trust to a government, historically punished severely. Families of traitors were punished alongside the traitors themselves. Modern punishments include long prison sentences, hefty fines, and death penalty under certain circumstances. Convictions in developed countries are rare, but developing nations use the charges to punish dissenters. Treason is an act […]

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